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Time skip The Next Day

Harry Pov

I wake up to the sound of my aunt Petunia pounding on my door. "Wake up freak and make us some breakfast!"

I get up and dressed in one of Dudleys old t shirts and jeans. I walk out and see that my uncle and cousin right in front of me. "Boy! Why didn't you make breakfast! You are lucky we kept you under a roof!" " I'm sorry uncle Vernon I will go and make breakfast. "

I go into the kitchen and prepare them there breakfast and start on my chores. Once it is around 11 I hear a knock on the door and I can only hope that it is dragon.

"Boy go get the door!" I walk over to the door and to only see my dragon. " hey Draco, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy would you like to come in? " "yes please Harry" I walk away from the door to only, hear my uncle yell at me.

"Boy who is it!" He walks out and sees them.
"Hello there I'm sorry for yelling its just that he doesn't like to do as he's told at times" I can hear Draco growl.

Draco Pov

I growl at the muggle for insulting my scarhead. "Hello and who might you be?" I ask trying not to rip out his throat. " I young man are Vernon Dursley and this" points to a horse like woman " is my wife Petunia and beside her" points to a look alike of him but, younger " is my child Dudley would you like some tea? "

We decline politely. "Harry can I have a word with you?" I ask him " sure Draco just follow me. "

Harry Pov

I lead Draco to my room and not even as I close the door I am met with his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but, kissed back. "Draco?" " Yes? " "When can we leave?" I see him smirk and God I love his smirk!

" Well Harry I was thinking after mother and father have a 'reasonable' conversation with them. " I smile and peck his lips just when, I hear my door open but I didn't care. I hear a gasp and look around and see Dudley looking happy yet shocked.

"Harry?" " yes duds? " "are you and him together and the one that you tell me about in your letters?" I blush and nod my head. " Aww little Harry so cute when he blushing in front of his boyfriend. " I smirk and say "I could always bring James around" his face immediately becomes red.

"You promised to be we bring that up" "and you promised not to embarrass me in from of him" I look back at Dragon and we (Dudley and me) both start to laugh.

"What's so funny scarface?" " Nothing" and I run behind Dudley and tickle him. "HARRY JAMES POTTER STOP IT NOW!" I look over at both men.

"But I was having fun" I pout while saying this. Draco comes over and then starts to tickle me to where I am kicking and laughing. "Duds halp" he smirks at me and leaves.

"So are you gonna behave or do I have to make you?" I hear the dominance in his voice. "I will be good if you give me a kiss?" He sighs and gives me the kiss I was waiting for.

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