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Disclaimer:I don't own anything except for the plot,the rest goes to the wonderful J.K. Rowling

Harry Pov

After me and Draco got done having our kissing fest. We walked down to his parents with my trunk and we were about to leave when, my aunt and uncle pulled me away for a few moments. "You better not tell them anything that happens here or your punishment will be far worse."

I nod my head in fear of what he would do. I go back to Draco and his family and we about to apperate to his manor.  And I was staying close to him because I was scared that Vernon was going to come out and hurt me. I turn around and see Dudley smiling at me and I smile back because, he's helped me so much through the years of his no good parents.

Draco Pov

I see the Dudley boy give Harry a smile and it's a true one not any that I have given in public to people and from what I could see that they share a really tight bond. So, I stop my mom and dad for a second.

"Can we also have him" I point over to Dudley, "come with us for Harry?" They nod in agreement and I see both of the lunge at each other not caring that his parents are right there.

Harry Pov

I look over at Duds and say what I know that he would agree to any day. "Hey dud do you want to go get him as well?" He blushes and smiles at me. " yes yes I would if that's alright with Draco's parents? "

I see them think about it and I look over at Duds and he knows what's about to happen and he smiles at me. I give them my irresistible puppy dog eyes that no one could resist. And they gave in and agreed.

James Pov (surprise and this is Dudley's boyfriend)

I was worried because, I hadn't seen or heard any thing from my cupcake and I wanted to know where the fuck he was so I could cuddle and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.

I then here the door being knocked on and my parents opened it and called me down. I instantly saw Dudley and I tackled him and he squeaked. I hear laughing and I saw Harry and a mysterious person next to him.

"Hey Harbear who is that?" He blushes and looks down at the ground. "Aww is my poor little Harbear embarrassed?" I tease him more and his face darkens. "James. Stop." He said and I chuckle " not till you tell me who this is. "

And then the person spoke. "My name is Draco Malfoy" and then it dinged on me that it was Harbears boyfriend. "Oh so your the and I quote 'gorgues blonde who can't keep his pretty mouth shut and is a git at times'?"

He blushes more and the blonde looks at him again. "Really Harry you talk that much bout me that much?"

Me and Dudley laugh and then Harbear has a dark smile on his lips and I know that I'm screwed. "Oh James why don't I just tell Dudley here what happens last week when we were alone with your friends."

I gasp and growl at him and my face darkens with a blush. "Harry what happened?" " Oh let's just say that by caught James in his bedroom with something that would be every very embarrassing wouldn't it Jamiebear? "

"Harry. Don't. Tell. Them." " no" I tackle him and don't get off. "HE HAD A BABY BLANKET AND WAS CUDDLING WITH IT AND I THINK HE A LITTLE!" Harry yells and my face goes ultimately red and I here two people laugh.

We whip out heads around and we are both of our boyfriends laughing at us.

Dudley pov

I imagine what James would look like and that screams adorableness and then imagining Harry made me laugh so I told Draco through his phone and we both started to laugh.

We then go downstairs and see Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy there waiting for us.

And then we are brought to a giant house thing and it is amazing.

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