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Harry Pov

When I woke up I forgot that I was laying in bed with Draco and that he knows about my kinks. I look down at him and just smile cause how am I so lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

He starts to stir so I latch back on his side and cuddle him, while he wakes up. He just smiles at me and plays with my hair. "Did you sleep well kitten?" I nod and everything from yesterday comes back to me and I blush a deep blood crimson red.

"Aww you're so adorable when you blush kitten!" Draco squeals like he found out hair gel was half off. "No I am not!" I say while pouting and fighting my little space self , but eventually he wins and I giggle.

Draco looks at me and then know a what happened so he carries me downstairs, with my arms and legs wrapped around him. I just giggle when I saw Dudley limp into the kitchen and then my older self is back.

"DUDLEY VIOLET DURSLEY-EVANS PLEASE TELL ME WHY JAMES IS SMIRKING AND YOU ARE LIMPING!" I yell at him and then he turns and glares at James and I know it's James' fault.

"James did the thing with me." I widen my eyes and death glare James and he visibly shakes. "You have 10 seconds to run and hide before I chop off your balls and give them to you to eat." He pales and runs.

After, the 10 seconds were up I go to were he always hides, the closet. And I drag him out by his ear and shove him in a room and make him stay in there until he begs me to be let out.

"Fine but if I find out you got my brother pregnant then I will kill you." He nods and then runs to Dudley and tells him what I told James.

"Harry did you really have to go that far?" I nod and give him the 'I did this because I love you' look. "And don't give me that look go to your room without Draco for a day." I pout and run to my room and cry.

Hey guys I'm sry I haven't updated in a while so here I go the song above is 'Her by block b's love u guys!

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