Chapter 1 - And So It Begins...

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"Mickey!" Lip shook Mickey's shoulders and woke him from his deep sleep.

Mickey yawned as he stretched his arms, and looked over to Lip. "Why'd you do that for?" Lip gestured with his head to the front of the room. "Oh shit!" Mickey thought, he was indeed in class at the moment and sleeping in class probably isn't the best thing to do. But the teacher hadn't noticed, thank god. Or else Mickey probably would of been in big trouble, considering that teacher hated him, for some reason. He never figured out why, but he'd love to know.

"You're lucky class is over now. I had to sit through the entire thing." Lip said as he packed his books into his bag, Mickey looked over to him again.

"Y'know you could've went to sleep too." Mickey stated, Lip just rolled his eyes at Mickey's words.

"Yeah, but I want an education." Lip got up from his seat and slung his bag over his shoulder, Mickey followed his movements as well as grabbing his bag and with that they went out the classroom door.

Mickey and Lip walked closely together down the hallway so that they wouldn't lose each other in the sea of people. Mickey looked at the faces that were passing them, so many faces that he recognized but so little names he remembered.

"Can I come over today?" Mickey asked, looking over in Lip's direction.
Once they reached the outside of the school he finally turned to look at Mickey while they were stopped in front of the entrance. "Probably not."

"How come?"

"Fiona has some important guests coming over." Lip said, and then he continued walking, looking forward. Never looking back. Mickey finally caught up with him after sprinting after him.

"Why do you always got to leave me behind like that?"

Lip continued to walk ahead of Mickey. "I don't leave you behind, you're just slow." Lip giggled at his own words, Mickey just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Anyway what's up with these special guests Fiona has?" Mickey wasn't usually that interested in things that involved Fiona but this intrigued him.

"Nothing really that special," Lip said, they were nearing Lip's house, which meant that they would have to part ways soon. "just something for Debbie."

They were finally at Lip's house, they both stopped walking and looked at the house. "Well.. see you tomorrow, Mickey." Lip walked up to the house entrance, he waved at Mickey before disappearing into the house.

Mickey started to walk again, making his way to his own house. He wondered what life would of been like if he had never met Lip, they do everything together they have so many memories together. But as of recently Lip has been acting strange, he isn't sure why, he wished that Lip would tell him what was bothering him. But he knew that Lip would never put his thoughts into words. Mickey wished he just knew. While he was deep in thought he didn't notice the person walking towards him so he bumped into them.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" Mickey apologized, but when he looked up he was met with a beautiful face. The boy had red hair, freckles, and the most adorable green eyes. He was dressed in skinny jeans and he had a hoodie on and he also had the hood up. He was also way taller than Mickey.

"I-it's alright." The boy said, and dusted his shoulders off.

Mickey flashed an apologetic smile and walked off, he turned to look at the boy again while he was walking, the boy was also looking so they made eye contact. Mickey turned away quickly, a blush crept upon his cheeks, and he started to walk more briskly till he reached his house.

Once he entered his house he immediately went to his room and sat down on his bed. He kept wondering about the boy. A part of him wanted to see the boy again.

Tear Stains (Gallavich) *working on revamp*Where stories live. Discover now