Chapter 1 - I do Know Someone.

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"Hey!" I run over to my friend.

"Hey, you need anything?" he asks.

"Yeah I uhm," I start to stutter," do you have any good experience with working at a job?" I ask.

"Well, no." He responds. As soon as he said that my chance of getting a job went from 50% to -000000%.

"Well I do know one kid.." he starts to talk. Well OH BOY my face just blew up with glee.

" WHO IS HE? DOES HE GO HERE? HOW OLD IS HE? IS HE COOL? FRIENDLY? NI--," I start to take control over myself and I stop talking.

"Yeah she does go here but she isn't really uhm.. around much." He said. My mind was blown away because one of my friends knows a frickin girl?!

"Well uh do you know her number?" I asked with no confidence at all. He then puts his hands on his hips,puffs out his chest, and smiles happily.

" I actually do! HA I got a girls number," he looked at me with so much joy,"her number is!" He stopped talking and then he looked around and saw a couple of people.

"Uh actually I'll just put it in your phone.." He said.

"Cool! Does this count as me getting a girls phone number?" I asked him excitedly.

"Pft, don't get excited, I am the one giving you her number so no." He said in a bossy way.

"Oh I was just uhm joking!" I responded trying to convince him I was joking.

"Yeah right." He said with a smug look. I take out my phone and hand it to him and he puts in the number.

"Alright, don't do anything stupid with her, or else you'll ruin your chance with her." He said.

"WAIT SO I HAVE A CHANCE WITH HER?!!" I screamed loudly with glee. His face looks embarrassed and sad.

"Sure..believe that if you want." He responded with. He walked away as he holds up a peace sign in the air.

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