Chapter 4

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Dante's POV-

I woke up the next morning, my ass was hurting like hell, I could barely move, I grit my teeth still feeling the semen run out of my hole 'Damn you Vergil, when I get my hands on his I'll personally shove his head up his ass!' Speaking of Vergil, he was sleeping next to me holding my waist like I am some sort of teddy bear. I tried to wiggle out of his arms but he had a grip like a bear "Damn it." I sighed as I turned my head looking at him in his sleep, he looked peaceful as he slept which made me blush slightly 'He may be rough around the edges...but he still can be cute when he doesn't know it.' I nudged his shoulder to make him wake "Hey, get dick out of my ass already you perfected sleep freak, you snore like a whale." Vergil grumbled a little as he slowly woke up

Vergil smirked at me and pinched my nipples as he licked my ear "Morning my pet, I see your  awake and ready for round three." he grins and I bonked his head and gets up rubbing my head as I move my hair away from my eyes and looks in a mirror in the bed room to see if I have bruises on my rump, then I looked to see if I have any marks on my hands "Good your lucky there where no marks last night Virgel cause I wouldn't hear the end of it if Lady found any and made me explain." I heard Virgel "humphed" and rolled my eyes and looked at the mirror again and notice it looked strange...the mirror was colored black and showed no reflection "What the-" I took a closer look at the mirror then suddenly a face was in the mirror from out of no where had a big pointy noise the face had white make up and eyes were purple and blue  with purple lips "Boo!" the  face spoke which made me scream like a little girl and jump on the bed.

Vergil goes in a protective stance holding his sword in front of me as the face came out of the window laughing as it gains a full body and I raised my eyesbrows "You...I thought you were dead." the being grinned darkly at me and waved his finger "Tsk tsk, come on Devil boy, Jester cannot die so easily, not to worry I am not here to be enemies, owe no, I am here for payment." I blinked at the word payment and Vergil just sighed "You work for him now?" I looked right at him confusion in my face 'him? whos him?' Jester just smiled and nods "He would see you in person..but he is busy at the moment, so I came to collect. Do you have the agreement? It took a while to make that syringe special with the effects you wanted." "Vergil what was in that syringe that you had a debt to pay!?" 

"Owe you didn't tell him yet?, well its a lust potion, you might have known that by now, but it is special, you see my employer made the potion just for Vergil, its to make the person who drinks it go mad with need and is used by blood, one drop of blood would be enough and once taken, boom you fall asleep and a hour or four you became lustful for the one that has the same blood." Jester chuckles and my eyes widen "It was good enough for me if I can have you for myself-"  I bonked him in the head flustered "Y-you idiot did you forget that Nero has the same blood!?" Vergil rubs his where I hit him "...Oops?" Jester just laughs outloudly holding his stomach while I look down where doom was written all over me "Can't be that long as I can have your ass Nero can join us anytime to play-ouch." bonks his head harder and Jester coughs to get our attentions "...The agreement?" he says rather seriously, Vergil walks toward his clothes  and then pulls out some strange pipe and gives it to Jester "Thank you, have fun you two heeheehahahahaha" Jester vanishes from a glyph that appeared from under him and I looked at Vergil growling "I'm going to kill you once  the after effects rubs off you know that?"

Vergil just chuckles at my threats "You still don't get it do you?" He leans to me and I blush hard feeling his hot breath on my face which made my  sensitive area rise dribbling pre "That permanent." I gasped as I open my mouth which was a bad idea since he stole my lips with a kiss before I could even say any thing.   Suddenly the door was suddenly thrown open off of its hindges and we turned to see who broke in  and I gasped as me and Vergil spoke in unison "Dad!" "WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL ARE YOU BOTH NAKED AND SMELL LIKE DOGS IN HEAT!?"

Too be continue

Mori:*Drinks a cup of tea* ahh nothing but a nice cup of tea to enjoy a nice night.

Mizuki: More tea Mr.Mori? *offers another cup of tea to Mori*

Mori: Aw your so kind Mizuki.

Dante:Mori! *Barges in with Vergil growling* What was that all about bringing that freak back to life!?

Mori: He is a valuable asset to me, he has his moments.

Vergil: so he is your errand boy?

Mori: That...and my camera man.

Dante: Wait what? mean then he...where are the originals!? *slams my fist on the table staring at Mori with a death glare*

Mori: I sold them already.

Vergil: To who?

Mori: *takes another sip of tea then smirks* To Lady.

Dante: What!?

Vergil: What!?

Jester: *appears smirking* Ooo!


 Cats: Meow? *One known as Shadow jumped on a large horn

*In an apart Lady was on a sofa watching the video with Dante and Vergil with her shades on holding her hand up making a 'rock on' sign with her fingers "Fuck."

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