A Chance To Shine

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Finally the day you and your girls have been waiting for. Still nervous you knew you had to give it your all. Years and years of training and practice can pay of. You hoped and pray for this one chance.

The evaluation involved a reality show and a crowd full of future fans. Once the lights dim and the projector turned on you knew it was you last chance of stardom. A well prepare slide show was displayed on the screen as the audience and JYP watch. The slide show included your group and the boy group you guys were going against. As you were backstage waiting to go since you were the opening act, you heard a loud cheer coming from the audience. You took a quick peak and saw your picture and profile. You were surprised to see it was well written and shown. Once you were all settle it was time to begin.

"Are you ready to see our trainees perform? Who will get to debut? So get ready for our opening act. A talented well known for her beauty and hard work give it up for... Y/N  Y/L/N!!!!" The Mc roars into his mic. The crowd surprisingly goes insanely wild.

You walked out onto the stage and get ready as the music played. You suddenly rap to the beat and as the beat gets tense you suddenly spit fire. The audience gasps at your ability, once the beat breaks down you dance break. The crowd goes wild. By ending the song you sing with your natural honey voice.


The audience in the auditorium cheer for this one young talented girl. Her rapping and singing is strong. Y/n definitely has the true potential of being major. I jot down some arrangements that will be done soon enough.


As you finished you respectfully bow and exit the stage. You made your way to the waiting room to change. "Y/n!!! You were so great!!! I can't believe your so popular out of all of the female trainees." One of my members squeals in excitement. Her comment made me shy so I gave her one of my cutest smiles.

Since you had at least some time to relax you sit down. You drank water as you were watching the stylist help the girls. The door of the waiting room open and the producer came in. He walked toward you while you stand up. "Y/N we accidentally lost you mic so will provide you with another but there will not be any affects as the others." I nod and bow.

It's was time to perform with your group. Once you made it to the stage our future manager handed me a silver mic. "We couldn't find a black mic but this should do good luck Y/N."

You get into your position with the girls and the song stars playing. The crowd cheers when you get to you part. You end the song with your rap skills. The crowd goes wild. You exit the stage and decide to stay back and watch this hot boy group perform. As they walk past by you they all give you a warm smile.

You couldn't believe that they were all good. You flash a smirk and take your leave.

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