Free Time!!!

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After a long day the whole team goes home.

CHANGBIN: Finally we're home!

Y/N: Ugh my body hurts...

HYUNGIN: Need pain killers?

Y/N: Nah I'm good bro.

Minho flops on the couch following after Felix and Chan. Y/n the heads over to sit down too. The others came as well. There wasn't enough space for Woojin to sit so he sat on Y/n.

Y/N: Ayy Woojin if you want to live another day-

ALL: hahahahahahahahahaha...

Y/N: Aish these kids.

Y/n pushes Woojin off and gets up.

Y/N: You can sit if you want.

Woojin nods then sits down. Y/n walk to her room and flops on her bed. Felix enters to find Y/ n sleeping. He carefully pulls up a blanket for her and leaves. Time passes and it's already night time. Y/n wakes up. She struggles as her body aches.

Y/N: Aish.... there's nothing to do.

Y/n looks around her room then an idea came in her head. She gets up and finds her back pack. She changes into her dance clothes. She picks up her water bottle and some pain killers for the night. Everyone's at the arcade. They didn't want to wake up y/n from her sleep. Y/n enters the dance room. She sets down her stuff and plug in her phone to the speaker. The music begins to play her body moves to the rhythm and beat. Beads of sweat start to roll down her temple. On one part she has a  dance break involving a back handspring and ends with a backflip. When she got to the part of the backflip she landed wrong on her ankle.

Y/N: Ahhh... my ankle!

Y/n manages to turn and fall to her side preventing her back from getting busted. The pain takes over her leg.

Y/N: Owww... I need to call Chan, I can't move it.

She drags herself to her back pack and dials Chan.


CHAN: Hello.

Y/N: Where are you?

CHAN: We're walking back to the dorms, why?

Y/N: Im at the dance studio, and I think I sprained my ankle.

CHAN: Y/n! What happen?

Y/N: I decided to practice and I got to the part we're I flip.

CHAN: Okay we're in our way!


Y/N's POV----------------------------------

I look up at the roof and think. The lights are dim and I'm a mess. The pain hasn't gone away. Whenever I move the pain shots up. Omg Y/n get yourself together. You've done this a few times in the past. As I was about to close my eye I hear the door open. I look over to see the guys rush toward me.

SEUNGMIN: Y/n we came as fast as we can!

JEONGIN: I hope you feel better.

CHANGBIN: Let me help you up.

Changbin helps me up and over to the couch. My ankle turn a bit red and purple. Can this day get any worse. I mean I met my long lost childhood friend and now I hurt my ankle. COME ON! Well... knee slap hahaha I know I'm funny.... okay I'll shut up.


(A/N:) Hey guys I know this story is boring but I have school to attend. I'm also writing another story. Be prepare in the future when I release it. Thank you!!!

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