Destiny Plays Its Own Game

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"Here is your order, Gentleman" She placed the tray on the table, alerting the guy who was engrossed on his mobile.

"Manik?" She exclaimed in shocked and in disbelief unable to believe the scenario happening in front of her. In fact it's not any scene but very much real, the guy who had haunted her in dreams from so long was actually sitting on the chair, right in front of her, that too here in a foreign land. Is this another brutal game of destiny?

"Dr. Nandini Murthy?? What a surprise! You are here? WOW! Can't believe this! What are you doing here as a waitress? And when did you come to New York ? Nandini? Excuse me! Dr. Nandini! Hellooo! Heyyy!" He finally completed his series of questions in one go; waving his both hands to bring her out of abstraction.

"Heyyy! Manik! Hi! I can't believe this! Be seated." Quickly coming back to earth, she indicated the chair while he gave her the 'Not before you' look.

After sitting on the chair opposite to him, Nandini confirmed this definitely as one of the cruel game of destiny. How much she wanted to run away from him! As if Mumbai was not enough, now in New York ? And this round table seating arrangement reminded her of something else.

Nandini murthy, a successful obstetrician always had one and only weakness in her entire life and that is the man sitting opposite her. The 'distraction', she concluded about him years ago. As her first real crush in school, her world would start and end with MANIK MALHOTRA . Her thoughts went back to school days, where once she sat across from him in this same manner, and instead of food tray there was a chess board.

Flashback (Nandini's POV)
It was a rainy day in Mumbai, and as usual the Physical Training hour was disrupted. However, the Trainer cheered the pupils with the announcement of indoor games. And chess was the main attraction that day. Whoever competed in the match returned to their places within minutes as the opponent was none other the National Level Chess Player Manik, the pride of SPACE ACADEMY . The whole class gave up the idea and engrossed themselves in other indoor activities like table tennis. And that was when I decided to try her hand in the board game and adjusted the chair to sit while focusing on the eight-by-eight grid. I tactically moved every piece with full concentration and finally I did the unbelievable. I won the match by attacking the king, leaving no chance for Manik, but to accept his defeat, leaving everyone in shock. But my happiness was not in winning the match but in those minutes in which I sat across him. It was an achievement for me. Only I knows how I managed to survive those forty five minutes having the whole class witnessing the nail biting match.
(End of flashback)

Author's POV

"Nandini? Back to the earth?" Manik snapped his fingers to get her attention.

"Sorry. What were you asking?" Nandini replied, mentally pushing her thoughts aside.

"Ermm.. I asked you many things, first being what are you doing here in this restaurant, in this city? I thought you are a physician, in India." Manik again asked in surprise.

"Uh.. Yes I am. Actually, this is my Aunt's restaurant and I am just helping her here."

"Cool! It is so pleasant to see you in NY." He replied sipping the coffee he ordered.

"And what are you doing here?" She asked him finally.

"Well, I was craving for some good Desi food and checked for the best Indian Restaurant in this locality and here I am."

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