Gushing over Parth Samthaan🥀

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‘Aayiappa, whats wrong with you Manik?'


'You're actually watching this?

'Haan,tumhe koi dikkat?'

'I can't believe you're interested in this. Its just a stupid award show'

'Nothing else is coming on TV, Nandini'.

Nandini sits on the couch besides a temple-scratching, annoyed at Manik. She grabbed a bag of crisps, and started munching on them while she looked intently at the TV.

'I just want to see what's so intersting, haan'


After a few performances from the actors and actresses neither Nandini nor Manik knew about, and some awards given away to XYZ actors, an announcement that finally got Nandini's attention was made.

'And the award for the TV Personality Of The Year, goes to...Mr. Parth Samthaan'

Nandini saw as a fine, well structured gentleman wearing a black tuxedo walked up on the stage as if he owned it, smiling cheerfully. The crowd hooted as he took the award.

Manik saw Nandini staring at the screen, one of her hand still in her crisps bag but not reaching till her mouth as she stared, her jaw hanging open.

'So so HOT!'

'Excuse me?!', Manik exclaimed, open-mouthed, looking at Nandini who wasn't paying any heed to him at all.

'Now THIS is certainly an award-winning personality, Manik', Nandini said pointing towards the actor on the screen.

Manik could not bear to hear Nandini referring to another man as 'Hot'. He switched to another channel, causing Nandini to jump on him immediately, snatching the remote away and switching back on as he stared at her, dumbfounded. Why was he feeling so..jealous? Well damn yes he was jealous. Nandini should find me and only me Hot, he thought.

Manik looked at Nandini who stared dreamily at the screen watching that dude smile and make a winning speech.

*'Thankyou all for your support. I'm honored. I'd like to thank my wife for always being there and ofcourse all my fans who voted for me, you people are amazing. Thankyou once again', the actor, Parth Samthaan said, smiling widely as he blew a flying kiss towards the camera.

Nandini pretended to catch the flying kiss in her hands, placing her hands near her heart and swooning like a teenage fangirl.

Manik had had enough. He took the remote and switched it off, throwing the remote a few feets away, making Nandini lose her temper.


'You!', Manik yelled with equal vigour. 'Who drools all over the place over an actor like that?! You are litterally gushing over him like a stupid teenager'

'My eyes, My drool, my wish!!', Nandini retorted.

'He's married! Didn't you see him thank his wife?', Manik scowled, feeling a little less insecure knowing he was married. Nandini is mine.

'SO?! He's still hot! And you Mr., stop being so jealous!'

'What?! I'm not jealous!', Manik yelled, hoping she could not read her mind.

'So jealous', Nandini teased.


'You are!'

'Am not'

'Yes you are!'

'Am not!'


And Nandini could not finish her sentence, for Manik found the perfect way to shut her up. By claiming her lips, in a slow, gentle, loving kiss. And thats how Mr. Manik Malhotra dealed with his jealousy seeing his wife gushing over the most handsome television actor, Parth Samthaan.

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