Life ~ Roses and Thorns

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Manik gazed at the evening sun as he sat alone at the Park bench withholding so many different memories from his past, which, in his opinion, were the only best memories he had. Laughter resonated along the park and he looked at the bunch of kids playing, not too far ago with a smile. It was nice to be devoid of any worry and just spend time and lead life as we wish.

Out of nowhere, he felt her presence, long before she came to his side. She was like spring, making the atmosphere around her more lively by each passing second.
Two tiny, soft hands slid onto his eyes from behind, successfully covering them. He broke into a huge smile and held her hands resting on his eyes and spoke with joy evident in his voice, "I knew you would come".
Of course she would come, after all, the road to this day hadn't been that easy and they had evolved out into the present together.


A year ago

"My pleasure Sir. I am really glad that I could be of some help to you. Don't hesitate to call again", Nandini spoke into the receiver with the same enthusiasm as ever, even though it was the crack of dawn and half the world was still engulfed by the sleep monster. It was her usual morning shift at the part time job that she had taken up in the FM, as a advisor' and she still had a long, weary day staring ahead of her. She didn't mind the early morning and the late night shifts for which she used to work here. In fact, it was the only good thing in her life. What she did mind was the job of personal assistant that she had taken up in one of the India's leading Malhotra Industries.

Raj and Manik Malhotra- the dynamic Father and Son duo as everyone called them, were known for their bonding'. Only, she knew it otherwise. Being the secretary to Raj, or otherwise known as the CEO has its own advantage and disadvantage. To start with, only she knew that the so called bond' between the father and the son wasn't as great as everyone thought it was. There was shouting and screaming almost every day happening between the two within the confines of the cabin. If the Father never regarded her presence, the son barely noticed her. In an odd way, it meant they had some blind trust on her to not open her mouth and she did the same.

In her opinion, Manik had the most strong and commanding personality but he was in the clutches of his father who didn't seem to care about his aspirations and dreams. He had been stuck in this MD job for over 3 years and one day it had finally taken an effect on the man's temper until he had arrived at the breaking point. Since that day, there was barely any decent conversation of the two that she had witnessed.
As she parked the scooty that she had finally managed to buy at a second hand shop, she saw Manik stomp his feet angrily, walking in her direction. Nervousness crept up in her causing no words to come out of her mouth and she stood rooted in her spot, waiting for the wrath to ascend.

"The man has completely lost his senses. How the hell do you keep up with him? Let me give you an advice-Leave the job while you still can or else you will be the one to regret it", and just like that, he was off with his car leaving her completely astounded. The very first time that he had spoken to her and he had to speak this?It was yet again a case of the father-son spat but this time it was different. This time, he had spoken to her and before she could even comprehend that thought, he had flown past her.

The day had been quite confusing for her by the time she wrapped up her work in the evening. She still tried to think over Manik's words but failed to trust them. Keeping everything aside, she got on her scooty and readied herself. It was time for her other job.

She parked her scooty and went over to the farthest bench visible at the extreme corner of the park. Her phone rang and as she saw the number, her lips automatically curved up and she received the call, "Hello, Your advisor'..."

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