Eternal Promise💍

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*Flashbacks in italics*

Promise is a reason to expect something!

●A promise means EVERYTHING but once it is broken, then SORRY means NOTHING●

"No..not this one. This is too big. I told you, I want something special!", exclaimed Manik. The salesgirl stared at him for a moment and then turned her helpless look towards the man who was standing behind Manik. His personal assistant, Aryaman.

"Sir,", Aryaman laid his hand on Manik's shoulder, who looked at him with a frown on his face, "What?", asked Manik.

Clearing his throat, Aryaman said, "Sir, you are confusing Miss Rose, here.", he pointed at the sales girl, "please specify what kind of ring do you want and for what purpose."

Manik sighed and then closed his eyes, even with his closed eyes he could see her, crystal clear. Smiling at him, sometimes teasing but all the time loving.

Manik smiled, his earlier irritation vanishing, "I need a promise ring.", he declared, "A platinum band that has a chocolate rock in the middle. Can you do that please? I need in asap."

The sales-girl, Rose sighed in relief, thanking Aryaman silently with a nod. "Okay sir, your ring will be ready by next Monday. I hope that's okay with you."

"Yeah, next Monday, hhmm..okay, but if possible try making it ready sooner. I need it very soon because I need to fulfil a promise that I made years ago.", Manik smiled one last time and after doing the necessary payments, he and Aryaman walked out of the jewellery store.

"Ahem..excuse me sir!", said Aryaman.


"Sir, I wanted to ask it before but never did, but now I am totally curious. What promise were you talking about? Who's that lucky girl?"

Manik chuckled and replied, "I am the lucky one Aryaman, it's because of her that I am here. Everybody loves the young, successful entrepreneur Manik Malhotra, but she's the only one who loved Manik. The real me."

"Sir, if you don't mind can you please tell me about your story. I mean..if you don't mind."

"Oh come on", Manik threw his arm around Aryaman's shoulder and started telling, "It started 14 years ago, when I was 16 and in school..."


"Hey dude!", Manik bumped fists with his friends who were chatting in the parking lot.

"So what's up? Heard that a new chick is coming? Rumours are she's hot! As in hot hot!", Cabir, one of Manik's friend commented.

"Really! She might be like those bimbos!", shrugged Manik.

"Naa...she's a real beauty, oh see there she is..", Dhruv pointed at someone.

Manik looked into the direction, Dhruv's finger was pointing and saw a girl standing there. She was dressed in the school uniform, navy blue colored plated skirt, cream white shirt and belle flat style shoes. She had her back facing Manik.

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