Chapter 2: Encounter

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Two peaceful years had gone by when I finally adapt to this world. At first, I was scolded by my parents because of my clumsiness, getting myself hurt when I do farm work like a natural city girl would be. There was even a time when mother really got angry because I tripped and fell on the crops while father just laughed at me for being an airhead.

Reminiscing about the past, I chuckled softly while hanging the last laundry to dry in the backyard. Tired, I sat on the grass admiring the scenery but was disturbed by a rustle in the bushes.


I instinctively look at the bushes where the noise came from and expected for the stray cat I fed yesterday to appear.

Instead, two red eyes paralyzed me, the strong smell of rotten egg hit my nose while a disgusting ugly giant black beast in a deformed shape of cat show itself. Black goo came out from its mouth while growling at me.

MOVE! Damn it!

I gritted my teeth as images of me dying in my previous life flashed in my mind.


When the beast tackled me to the ground and bare its fangs to bite my head, I reached for the basin to protect myself and the beast gnawed it. Not wasting time, I got up and run to get the axe on the stump while the beast was busy with the basin.

Just a little more!

I grabbed the handle of the axe in time but the beast quickly caught up and clawed my back.


I screamed so loud from the pain that I also pulled the axe at the same time. Using my remaining strength, I swing the axe to the beast as deep as I could. I heard the beast howl in pain and footsteps of people followed after. My eyes grew heavy as I watch father fight it with the other villagers using farmer tools while mother rushed to my side applying pressure to my wound. Darkness shrouded my sight when the adrenaline left me.


"So weak, always fainting, so... Fragile"

A girl that looked like me chuckled with mocking eyes, circled around and stopped behind me, tracing my wound with her fingernails.

"Stop! It hurts!"

End of dream

"Stop!" I woke up with a scream and sweat dripping from my face.

"It's alright... Shhh... We're here" Mother hugged me while being aware of my wound.

"Mother..." I called out to her.

"Yes?" As soon as mother answered, the door opened to reveal father with a concerned look.

"Father..." I nod to my father.

Mother released me from her hold and looked at me, same with father. What they saw was the resolution in my eyes.

"I want to be strong!"


Author: New year's resolution?
Aliya: yes
Author: too early... wanna bet?
Aliya: about what?
Author: that it won't last long
*Aliya grabs the axe
*Author running

Happy Holidays!

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