Chapter 15

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|Elijah's P.O.V|

I stood there looking at this woman that I barely knew, she was carrying Nik's second child and I didn't like it.

"Elijah." She asked looking at me.

"Yes?" I said raising my head.

"Who is Athena?" She asked.

"We don't speak of the dead like that Hayley, I can tell you that you'll never replace her at all with any of us. You are just a little distraction of my brother just to take his mind off of his dead wife." I grumbled.

"Oh." She sighed.

I left and met with Marcel. "I was expecting to see Athena the woman of peace and destruction." He said.

"She died." I said lowering my head.

"Oh." He sighed.

"It's a shame." He said as tears streamed down his face.

"She would have been so proud of you Marcellus." I smiled.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, you are just like her." I said.

"How'd she go?" He asked wiping his tears.

"Saving who she cares about." I nodded.

We talked about her and we sat down looking over the huge party that was going on.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"We have it every year." He said

I wonder what hell she is going through to keep Inadu locked up.

"What about witches?" I asked.

"They aren't aloud to practice magic." He nodded.

"Could we just have all the witches do a spell that could get Athena back." I said.

"I can't risk it." He sighed.

"Athena is powerful she can help you with the witches, she can block their powers once she back." I said trying to persuade him.

"You make a good point! When do you want to do this?" He smirked.

"When Freya gets the spell down." I said. "She is the oldest sibling."

"Ah." He said.

"She working as fast as she can." I sighed.

"Where Klaus?" He asked.

"In his feelings." I said.

"He misses her?" He asked.

"She was the love of his life. They were meant to be." I sighed.

"An unbreakable love." A voice said.

I saw Angel walk up to us. "How are you guys holding up?" She asked.

"Klaus is depressed, he got a wolf pregnant." I said.

"I see. Anyway, we aren't doing so well." She said lowering her head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We are becoming weaken by witches in the quarter." She said.

"I'll find them and silence them." He said.

"It's Inadu's followers." She said.

"How is she mentally?" I asked.

"Not to good, she breaking inside. She misses Niklaus." She said looking at me.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now