Chapter 25

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We all were a big family again.. Everyone had a reason to stay together or so I thought...

A few weeks later...

"Nik, I am off." She smiled.

"Where are you going?" I asked poking my head around the corner.

"Paris, New York. Pretty much anywhere I want." She smiled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want a life of my own, you have your kids to look after." She smiled.

"Promise you call 4 times a month, once every week?" I asked.

She nodded.

Rebekah was the first to go out of the four other siblings that remained by our sides. I felt like they all were going to go live lifes instead of staying with us.

A few days later...

"Keelin and I are pretty serious Nik, I ask for your blessing." She said as I stood in the corner of the room.

"Go, go live your life." I smiled.

"I agree." Nik said standing up to only look at Elijah and Kol.

"Wanna go live your life too?" He asked.

"Davina and I are planning on getting married Nik." Kol said.

"I am staying." Elijah smiled.

"I can go be free for once." Finn smiled.

Everyone but Elijah left.. It made me feel lonely even Agneta wanted to go to Paris with Rebekah but I was holding her back from leaving. I can't blame them all, nothing is stopping them all from leaving and I can't help that. Niklaus is occupied by our twins and eldest daughter to see that Always and Forever was slowly cracking. Elijah was the only one that was holding true to it through out years. I have a very bad feeling that I am the one driving them away, because I almost went off on Kol and if klaus didn't stop me I might have killed Kol or worst did something that would effect me in the long run.

I can't think like that because today will be different. Today is going to be something epic...

I paced back and forth in front of Elijah and Nik. "Let's move."

"What?" Nik asked.

"Yes let's move, get a big house on a ranch or something that is near a school of somesorts, the twins are almsot of age to go to kindergarden. I mean they should have the proper school for gifted kids like them." I said stopping.

"If so where do you think that school for the gifted would be at?" Elijah asked.

"Mystic Falls, I mean it's practically a hot seat for supernatural activity." I smiled.


A few months passed and we told all those who chose to leave that we would be in Mystic Falls. I lived in a 6 bedroom house with 4 bath rooms 3 upstairs and 1 downstairs. The house was perfect that I thought of, it was either the house or another Mikaelson Mansion and hopefully it won't be burnt to the ground.

I drove down to the shop with Agneta and the twins.

"Why again are we going shopping?" She asked.

"Helps me get my mind off something and you need more clothes and stop borrowing mine." I looked over at her.

"I like your taste in clothes." Agneta frowned.

"Well this is for you." I handed her a credit card.

"It's under my name for now. You can get your own if you like and I can wire money in." I said parking the car.

"Whatever." She scoffed taking the card.

"Now go shop Agneta, meet me at the Grill." I smiled.

I dropped her off and drove to the grill. I was surprised to see Jeremy, Stefan, Mason, Damon and Elena when I entered with my twins. I walked up to a waiter who took me to a table and I sat my twins across from me.

"Mommy." Isabella said looking at me.

"Yes Izzy?" I asked.

"When are Auntie Freya and Rebekah coming back?" She asked.

"Aww honey, they parted ways because they stayed with us all of their lives well not Freya but that story is for another time." I smiled as my parents walked in.

They came up to the table and Isabella and Jr jumped into their arms.

"Nana, papa." They said in unison.

"This is a nice town." They smiled.

"Yeah I know. I had a mansion here." Isaid sipping on my water as they sat down.

My father boxed in Jr and Isabella as I scooted over to the middle piece of the box.

"Where is Agneta?" Mother asked.

"Well she is shopping because I got tired of her basically collecting my clothes and wearing them." I sighed.

"Tell me something." Father smiled.

"Where is Nik and Elijah?" He asked.

"Well Nik is home with Elijah." I frowned.

"Ah I see." They smiled.

"The pack urges a meeting with you Athena." Mother said.

"Again? I had one a few weeks ago." I said.

"Well." Mother sighed.

"They think you went soft after they heard you let Marcel off the hook. He bit you after all." She said as I touched my neck.

"Yes and I didn't die." I smiled.

"But you let him go, if you want so show that you are the rightful Alpha to the pack then go find him and kill him. There is talk in the pack that you have a soft spot for him." She said causing me to flip the table.

"Listen Mother." I said as my eyes began to glow. "I don't need a pack to tell me what to do. I am the Alpha and will always be, you are forgetting one simple thing." I said calming down to look at my kids.

They weren't scared but they were taking in what was happening as Agneta walked in.

I rushed the twins with Agneta and gave her my keys she went right home as the bar cleared out and the Elena's group of friends watched.

"Marcel was a son to me!!!!!" I screamed.

"Not biological." She said standing up to look at me.

"Does that even matter?" I grumbled.

"What matters is that you will kill him or the pack is going to back off from protecting the twins." She grumbled.

"The twins don't need your protection they have mine." I growled showing my fangs.

My mother was going to regret this, my father frowned upon me as I stood up for what I believed in.

"You can leave, just go get out of my sight!" I grumbled.

"You are making the biggest mistake of your life Athena." She frowned.

"My mother and father died when I was only 9 I don't know the new version of them that is standing in front of me but they are not the parents I knew." I said raising my hand.

"And with that I will kill every last one of you and that will be my lives journey." I remarked.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now