Chapter 23

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|Athena P.O.V.|

I stood there in the cross fires of people who love me, lust me, hate me or just family. I could hear Jr and Isabella crying. I turned to the balcony and rushed up the stairs and into the nursery. My babies were crying this whole time but nobody could hear them but me. It was my duty to protect them and that's what I will do. I knew what was so clear to me and I was going to do it, no matter what happens.

I walked out of the nursery and to the balcony. I stood there looking at everyone fight back and forth.

"I need silence to speak." I frowned.

"Then speak." A few said and the rest went quite.

"I want only people I choose to be in my life and the rest can get the hell out!" I paused. "They are... Niklaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Freya, Finn if he ever comes back. My parents and my children."

"You got to be kidding me!" Mason hissed.

"If you don't get the hell out I will just kill you." I rolled my eyes.

"kill me you won't." Mason smirked.

I raised my hand and he was dead. "Any one else want to call my bluff?" I asked.

Damon, Elena nad Stefan left in a hurry and I smiled.

"Wow." Rebekah stated.

"Don't be took shocked. I mean I practically am family to you all." I smiled.

"That's so sweet, we thought you were leaving with the twins." Rebekah said.

"I am glad you chose family." Nik said. 

"Yeah." I said turning my head to the nursery.

We cleaned up the compound and got rid of Mason's dead body. I wasn't feeling all to well, well I was but I used it as an excuse to take care of twins while they went out.

I held Isabella and looked into her eyes as I fed her a bottle.

My little princess, a beautiful baby girl brought into this world for a life that she might spend on the run from people. I will spend the rest of my life protecting her and her brother. I would destroy cities for my twins and nothing will stop me from doing it. If I had to give my life up for them I would.

I spend hours in the nursery reading books and watching the twins. They all haven't came back yet and that worries me because they would have called me.

I let out a sigh and called Niklaus, he answered.

"Hey, where are you guys?" I asked as my mother came in the room.

"Bayou dealing with the crescent wolves. Would you like to help?" He asked.

I nodded and hung up.

"Please protect them with your life I don't know who is out there that wants to hurt them so please don't let them out of your sight." I smiled.

She nodded and I went straight to the bayou. The originals stood there talking with the wolves, I knew this pack because I dealt with them before.

"Athena." Jackson breath out. "You compelled me to leave your mansion."

"Yes because you annoyed me." I grumbled.

"I wanted my pack free and still do." He frowned.

"Isn't that what we all want?" I grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Nik asked.

"What?" I asked with a look of confusion on my face.

"Nevermind." Nik scoffed.

I could tell he wanted me to spill but I didn't want to spill my dirty little secret.

"You know how it feels?" Jackson asked.

"No I don't but I was making a comment." I rolled my eyes trying to cover up my lie.

"Oh, well how is it going so far?" I asked.

"We are talking about a deal right now." Jackson smiled.

"That's great Jackson." I walked over to my husband and wrapped my arms around his side.

"Where are our twins?" He asked.

"Mom and Dad are watching them closely." I smiled nudging my head in the space of his neck.

"I love you Blossom." He smiled.

"I love you to Nik." I smiled.

We talked business with the crescent wolves and agreed to break the curse. We went home and I took the twins and Nik held Isabella andI held Jr.

"We must talk." Father said urging me.

"About?" I asked turning my head to him.

"Our pack." He said almost in a whisper.

I handed the baby off to Elijah who never held one in his life time and went into another room with my father and mother.

"The pack is being held in another place." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"We all were, she was draining us of our magical powers." He said.

"What do you want me to do?" I coughed slightly.

"Help us release them." They both said in unison.

"They were taken away because we got powerful, we aren't post to dominate the other packs. I learned that throughout time mother and father. I can not help if you want me to bring out the powerful pack that the world brought down." I grumbled.

"We all can protect your children, you are our Alpha." She said.

After some thought and a long night of Nik and the rest of the family asking questions I thought it was suitable if my pack did exist for he well-being of my twins.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now