Park Jihoon, the lovely prince in CJ E&M High School and although he recieves a lot of love from girls and mostly boys, he rejects them because he never experience first love nor true love at all. Lee Daehwi, stepbrother of Park Jihoon, same goes to...
"JIHOON! COME ON! WE HAD TO GO RIGHT NOW! ARE YOU DONE!?" said Daehwi, who was ready to go to High School
Jihoon then says to his half little brother, " I WILL DAEHWI-AH!" as he checks himself in the mirror before leaving his bedroom.
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As they arrives to school, a group of girls and boys come to Jihoon and Daehwi to greet them. On Jihoon's side, some of the boys confess their love to Jihoon but calmly rejects them with his kindness as he goes inside with Daehwi.
They go inside to put their stuff inside the lockers and headed out to the school garden. They went to the school garden because it has flower blooming in beginning of April, Jihoon and Daehwi always help out the garden which the teacher's permission, and the fact that they want to see the cherry blossom tree blooming.
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As the stepsiblings were about to take a selfie underneath the pink and white cherry blossom tree, Somi came out of the door rushing for no reason. "Somi-ah, what are you doing right now? I was about to take a selfie with Jihoon-hyung" said Daehwi. Somi, while catching her breath " I'm running away from that group they transferred and I don't want to be their next target."
Jihoon, then asked Somi why is she running away from the group. So, she explained about the group which the 3 high schooler named, Lai Guanlin, Bae Jinyoung, and their leader, Park Woojin and they're known as "Player Lovers" because they used many girls as their next target except for Guanlin, who's only helping and already have Seonho. As Somi finishes her explanation, the school bell ring so they had to go.
Skip to the class part
After class and eating lunch together as stepsiblings, Jihoon heads out first to see the school garden more. As he enters it, he feels refresh after smelling the sweet scent of the cherry blossom. He was walking around the garden more until he feels like someone's watching and then begin toffees scared and worrried.
As he went silent mode to not move anything, he feels someone's hand is covering his eyes and touching his milky white skin stomach underneath his clothes. Jihoon tries to not speak anything until someone goes to his ear with his lips.
"You're my next targe, sweetie" with a deep voice.
Jihoon gasps and tries to push him off but unfortunately, he was pinned along with his both hands on the wall by a guy, who appear to have a snaggle tooth as he smirks.
"So you're the "Lovely Prince" wanna be from what I heard today huh sweet heart."
"H-how did you know about me? You didn't say that my name was-"
"Your name is Park Jihoon right? Well actually, at morning, after hanging out with my friends, I saw a bunch of girls and boys came to you saying "Park Jihoon-oppa" or "Lovely Prince."
Jihoon, then begins to feel scared with that tanned-skin guy with their faces so close to each other.
Fortunately, the school bell rings meaning lunch's over so he releases Jihoon and says "Oh by the way the name's Woojin, Park Woojin, leader of 'Player Lovers,' and I'll see you around Park Jihoonie" as he leaves the school garden.
"Oh my god, so it was him from what I heard from Somi."
And because of that, Jihoon just encounter with Woojin, who will make him as his next victim.
Sorry it took too long it just a lot of things happen to me and usually or sometimes I would write and think about this story sorry TT TT . But when I saw the read results it was like increasing little by little thank u. I will try my best to finish and you'll see the next chap which is jinhwi first meet. If you're a jinhwi fan, gimme the "Center Nayana" and if you're a 2park fan, gimme the "Pink Sausage" or "Jeojang." Once again thank u and so sorry also Happy before Valentine's Day 😊💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💝💞💖💘💗💓💜💙💚💛