Park Jihoon, the lovely prince in CJ E&M High School and although he recieves a lot of love from girls and mostly boys, he rejects them because he never experience first love nor true love at all. Lee Daehwi, stepbrother of Park Jihoon, same goes to...
"I can't believe that Jisung-hyung and the others would put us in the swimming pool, hyung" Daehwi with a sulky face.
"Yeah, like I wasn't unexpected from them. Well, I'll take a shower, Daehwi-ah. Go take a shower now."
"Yeah hyung, I know."
1 hr. in a half ago
While the hyung-line are trying to find Jihoon and Daehwi, the two of them with Daniel hid themselves behind the bushes.
"So, what are we doing here again?" Daniel whisperly asks.
"Don't know, we're just going to hide here until they get tired" Jihoon tells him.
"Don't think that we can't find you so easily huh?" Jaehwan with his gaze on the three.
As soon that the hyung-line surround them, they carried Jihoon and Daehwi to the swimming pool to dump where the crystalize water is.
"Look hyung, I'm sorry ok" Jihoon tries to beg them in forgiveness.
"Too late~!!"
Once they put them to the swimming pool, their clothes are now wet with their hair covered their brown-orb eyes.
"Oh come on, it was just a prank hyung~!" Daehwi whines.
"Daehwi-ah, forget it and besides it's just 1:1, so let's wait" Jihoon tells his little brother.
"Jihoon-ah, grab my hand. I'll pull Daehwi too" Daniel offers his big hands to his only one. And so, Jihoon did along with Daehwi.
After the swimming pool
Both of them dried up after shower and head to their favorite place of their own bedroom. Jihoon, who just finish and about to go to sleep, the sparkling lights suddenly shut off with the darkness surround the room with the moon shines. He thought it was scary and unexpectedly hears a husky voice that shivers his whole body.
"My dear princess~" a stranger's voice said.
Jihoon, with his body frozen as if he was paralyze.
Soon, his breathe hitch when a stranger starts touching his pure milky tummy underneath his pajamas. Without further ado, the prince punches the stranger's face with his fist making a stranger's voice changed a little.
"Yah, that really hurt. What the hell?!"
"Hmm?" the prince got confuse, and quickly realized that the stranger is someone he knows.
"What the actual hell are you doing, Woojin!?!"
"Why? Am I not allow to see my princess?"
"Uh no. That would be your ass."
"And plus, how in the world do you get in my room?"
"Oh that, let's just say I'm rather like a stalker" he smirk with his snaggletooth as always.
"In your dreams, Casanova" Jihoon rolled his eyes as he was about to leave his room to the balcony for fresh air.
"Hey wait" Woojin grabs the older's hand which accidently pull him way too aggressive.
On the other hand, he screamed slightly as he landed his body his white-rugged floor while the taller hover as the result. Silence that drawn the nighttime with the wind blew gently, the moonlight shines upon the two people, and some shining objects reflect in return. To the player, he never realizes that the victim in the bottom can be this beautiful. Same thing to the prince. What the prince sees a real handsome guy that he never see before in his eternal life. With each other's eyes beam into a small spark their heart beat is faster in sync. Without feeling on the outside but inside, they fell in love to each other.
Again, same but by before or after the end of July. But I know that on July 15, I'm going to post "Hickeys" soon. Not related to 2park or whatsoever, but just The Boyz related but mainly for the shippers I ship. So yeah, and also I'm going to be busy until I have stress-free, maybe. I don't know but well see and also I've been recently ship this one.
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And yes this Leedo and Xion from Oneus and that's partially it. So yeah. Have a good summer at home or whatever. Always wear mask when going out. Hope you do social distancing. If you have like online class or summer program which is the same thing with online class as me. Good Luck. Love u dearly. Thank you muchly.