Park Jihoon, the lovely prince in CJ E&M High School and although he recieves a lot of love from girls and mostly boys, he rejects them because he never experience first love nor true love at all. Lee Daehwi, stepbrother of Park Jihoon, same goes to...
It's the weekend which Jihoon and Daehwi friends hang out together and this time, it's their mansion. In the gameroom with videogames, big screen, vending machine such as food and drinks, and 4 couches which two long one and two couple couch. While they're having fun, they decided to play a game (which you know "Holding Laughter") in which Seongwoo suggest to see who's funny. In addition, they have to pick props from either Daehwi's or Jihoon's room.
"Ok who wants to defeat me" Seongwoo with a proud face.
"Me!" the hyung line said.
"We'll start the order by age backward" Seongwoo suggests.
"Got it"
"Oh ok, let's get it" they said.
"Oh yeah, Jihoon and Daehwi, since you invited us to your mansion, buy us pizza and chicken with cola since you two loss" Sungwoon said to the losers.
"Right" Daehwi said.
"This is a regret for me" Jihoon with a sulky voice.
Flashback before "Holding Laughter"
They were playing hide and seek and the losers have to go buy pizza, chicken and cola for lunch. Jaehwan was the tagger and he has to find two in 5 minutes. Everyone was hiding and Jihoon hide his own bathtub which he thought it's brilliant. However, Jaehwan caught him and as for Daehwi, who's hiding underneath his bed was caught. The hyung-line were celebrating on not getting caught by Jaehwan. Jihoon and Daehwi, as losers, has to go buy lunch for them.
Back to where Jihoon and Daehwi went out
Before they bought lunch, they went for a "secret" lunch which is ramen they'll eat.
"Jihoon-hyung, let's try to get spicy to the pizza inside."
"Good idea, but first I need to go to the bathroom so I'll be back."
"Kay, hyung."
As he's waiting for Jihoon, someone's hand touch Daehwi's head.
"Huh?" the younger turns around which is Jinyoung.
"What are you doing here?" Jinyoung asks.
"That should be my line."
"Anyway, umm so last night, do you want us to be friends?" Jinyoung asks.
Daehwi went silent and doesn't understand what's going on with him.
"Is this some sort of joke?"
"What do you think it is?" Jinyoung with a slight annoyed voice.
Their silent became 3 minutes until he tells Daehwi.
"Look, I know I did horrible and you thought I'm a liar, true but not this time. In fact, I'll try to treat you as my friend and I wish you could trust me once I treat you" Jinyoung said.
When Jihoon just comes back, Jinyoung runs off quickly leaving Daehwi in a shock.
"Hey Daehwi-ah, who was the guy earlier?"
"I think it's best you don't need to know. Hyung, can we start pranking them now?"
"Oh right ok, I'll go buy some spicy one so let's go."
Skip to the part where they bought the spicy one
"Wow I can't believe that we're doing it" Daehwi said.
"Yeah. Let's not try to act like we planned this."
"Kay, hyung" as the two boys added spicy one inside the pizza.
Again, skip the part where they're on their way to their home
"We're back" as Jihoon and Daehwi took off their shoes.
"Oh, Jihoon and Daehwi, come here for a moment" Sungwoon tells them.
"What is it?" Jihoon with a curious face.
Once they enter the gameroom, they suddenly burst out laughing when they saw Sungwoon in his sumo wrestler outfit with a wig, socks on both his ears, and holding a violin stick as if he's playing golf.
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"See? I knew that Jihoon and Daehwi will laugh their asses off" Sungwoon claimed as he stops.
"Well ok, for now let's eat now that they bought lunch" Minhyun tells his friends. Once they all sat down around the big table, they started eating and Jihoon and Daehwi try their best not to laugh or do something. As Jaehwan takes the pizza and bites into it, he feels that his tongue is on fire.
"YA! JIHOON-AH, DAEHWI-AH! What did you guys do?!" Jaehwan yells with his mouth full.
"Did what? I have no idea what you're talking about hyung" Daehwi tries to tell Jaehwan.
While Jaehwan is bickering to Daehwi, everyone was mostly into their world individually when it comes with chicken which Jihoon loves. Soon, Minhyun eats the pizza and as a results, he caught with the spicy pizza.
"Oh my god! Why is it spicy?" which made Jaehwan turns his direction at Minhyun at his left.
"That's what I'm saying hyung" Jaehwan told Minhyun with his worries for him.
The hyung line except Daniel didn't know what's going on so they decided to take a bite at the pizza. Daniel, however, knew the fact that Jihoon and Daehwi already put spicy inside the pizza slices each.
"YAH!!! PARK JIHOON!!! LEE DAEHWI!!! YOU TWO ARE DEAD MEAT!!!" the hyung line yelled at the two devil siblings.
"If so, catch us 'old men' " Jihoon and Daehwi yell as they run away, and the oldest sibling grabs Daniel's arm to do it together.
"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY IDIOTS!!!" as Jaehwan and the rest of the hyung line (except for Minhyun), chase after them.
Well I have nothing say right now but see you at July 1 due to need to write my chapters for this book. Have a wonderful day and congrats to the Class of 2020! #classof2020