Park Jihoon, the lovely prince in CJ E&M High School and although he recieves a lot of love from girls and mostly boys, he rejects them because he never experience first love nor true love at all. Lee Daehwi, stepbrother of Park Jihoon, same goes to...
Hello out there, I just came back right now just to see. Just for a quick confession, even though I did say that I'll be busy for the fall semester, but during my free time, I would always look for shipper's name this and that on Wattpad and some other web that are related to that fanfic. Anyway I have good news and bad news for you.
For bad news, I'm going to be on a hiatus again for spring semester on Jan. 25 and I might post it on June or July. I'm not sure if it's a bad news or not but I'm just saying. So yes, it might be hard for me to say this. Also, my fan account on blossomstar436 is officially on private because recently, I heard that Instagram will disabled fan accounts (if I'm correct) once they found the fan account that are public unless they get permission from their favorite one. I just heard that few days ago. Personally, I'm crestfallen to hear this and I don't like why. So yeah if you want to go to my fan account blossomstar436, you can follow me and accept it at all times.
Good news, is that I'm all finished with the fall semester for now and can focus on finishing the story. Yay! Now for the story you might have to wait for either X-mas day or after X-mas just quick heads up. And that's about it. If you want hear more about what's going to happen for my plans for the story, again go to my Instagram to find my fan account or just comment down below if you want.
So that's it and quick questions to all of you. Are you guys comfortable if you guys want me to do q&a or insta live? I'm just curious because I just recently download Instagram app so yeah. And if you guys did choose it you can again comment down below if you guys have the option. I'm not forcing you guys. I just always wanted to do this like any other you tubers or insta live people out there. It's kinda like my mini goals. So yeah I mean I'll let you guys think about that so take your time.
Thank you guys so muchly. Love you guys. ❤️
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P.s. I haven't post this photo since forever in my opinion.