The Modern Earth and The Plan

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Ryu’s P.O.V
3 days after Mia and Mai were born; everything was like it was supposed to be. Right now, we’re at the training grounds and our trainer for today is Greyworth, the Ground Dragon. Mia and Mai are at the sidelines with Justine cheering for us to do our best. So, today my opponent is Azzel. AND THIS TIME, I’M GONNA BEAT HIM!!!

Greyworth, who is in his dragon form, used his magic to transformed the field into a rugged rocky terrain with staggering rocks, perfect for hiding behind of. “Okay, boys! Your objective for this match is to attack and land one hit on your opponent. Accomplish that and you will claim victory. You can use the terrain to your advantage and sneak up on him.” We glared at each other but, as usual, mine was a bit more intense than Azzel’s. Greyworth looked at us and smirked. “Alright! Battle Begin!” He shouted with much enthusiasm as me.

“This time, I WILL WIN!!” I charged at him full throttle. I jumped as high as I can; then yelled. “Water-Ice Dragon: Blades!” Water and ice blades shot out of my arms and headed towards Azzel. At that time I thought this was an easy win, but, of course, it wasn’t. Azzel stretched his right arm in front of him. “Light Wall!” Glowing walls sprouted up; blocking my attack form hitting him. Then, I slowly started to descend to the ground. Quickly, I created a sword made of ice and started slashing my way through the walls.

Once I slashed through the final wall, Azzel was nowhere to be found. “Darn! He must have escaped will I was distracted. Where could he be now?” I looked around and then it hit me. “So, you’re hiding behind one of these rocks, huh? Then, I just break each and every one of them until I got you!” I started swinging my ice sword, breaking every rock it hits.

Until, I heard some movement behind one of them. “I finally FOUND YOU!!” I heard Azzel gasped a bit and I once again jumped up with my arms in a vertex of water. “Water  Dragon: Wi-” From the corner of my eye, I noticed someone came into view. “Hi guys, training hard?” A familiar voice spoke. I glanced over to look, but Azzel took it as an advantage to counter. “Light and Shadow Dragon…” I glance back at him with a shocked expression as he widens him mouth and ball of both light and shadow gathered. “ROAR!!!” A beam of shadow and light hit me with such force, that it sent me to the other side of the field. “THAT’S UNFAAIIRR!!!” I yelled.

Justine’s P.O.V
“THAT’S UNFAAIIRR!!!” Ryu yelled as he was thrown to the other side of the training field. “Azzel wins!” Greyworth shouted and, just like that, the area was back to normal. It was a quick and exciting match that I didn’t noticed the person who distracted Ryu. I over at him and it was Loki the Lion. “Loki!” I walked over to him in excitement and, of course, Mia and Mai followed.

Azzel was already at Loki and conversing with him. “So, did you bring us something back from the Modern Earthland?” Azzel asked as he pointed at the paper bags he carried. “Just call it ‘Earth and well, I heard from Justine that you have 2 Exceeds, so—” “Wait!!!” Ryu came running at full speed, rudely interrupted Loki’s sentence. “Loki!! How could you interrupt us in a middle of a training match?! I was about to beat Azzel!?” Ryu complains while poor Loki just awkwardly chuckled.

“Ryu, you got distracted and looked away from Azzel. Azzel, on the other hand, took that opportunity and attack. If this was a real battle, you could have been seriously injured. That is why Azzel deserves the victory.” Greyworth, who was in his human form, explains as he approaches us, Ryu pouted as he realizes he was right.

“Loki, as you was saying earlier?” Azzel asked again, patiently awaiting his full response. “Oh, right! I bought you all new clothes, including Mia and Mai.” He hands us the bags and we gladly accepted it. “Thanks, Loki!” Me, Azzel and Ryu said as we took our bags according to our favorite colors. Blue for Ryu, violet for Azzel and shiny gold for me.

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