Secret Trip to Earth (Part1)

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Justine’s P.O.V
Today’s the day, when we finally get to go to Earth! I hid my excitement throughout the entire lesson with Celestia, until it’s finally over. “Well, I think that’s all for today. Tomorrow we’ll have a new topic; it’s about the dragon anatomy and it purposes. How exciting!” Celestia slightly shivers with excitement as she walks out of the library. She and I have different definitions of ‘excitement.’

A few seconds after Celestia left, we quickly rushed to our room with any of the maids or butlers being suspicious of us. “Okay, hears the plan. An hour from now, we’ll go to Earth and go around site seeing for, about 2 or 3 hours, after that, we’ll go back home, ‘kay?” I said as we reached the corridor, where our rooms are located. They both nodded as the stop at each of our room doors. “Make sure you guys packed everything you need.” I said, like mother would say to their children.

“Yeah, yeah, we got it. So, quit yapping and start prepping.” Ryu, who’s already inside complains in his usual childish way, as he shuts his door. Azzel and I just giggled and inside our rooms as well.

As I came in Mia and Mai were playing tag as they wait for me to return. “Justine’s here!” Mai shouts as she races into my arms and not long after, Mia did the same as well; I gave them a hug. “Are you going to Earth today?” Mia looked at me with her adorable blue eyes. I smiled and pat her head with a light rub. “Yeah, today’s the day, where we get to go to Earth. To be honest, I’m nervous.”

“How long will you be gone?” Mia was the one who answered next. I let go of them and walked to my closet, so I can prepare my bag. “Mhmm… About a few hours, at least; we’re just going sight-seeing.” I took some stuff out and placed it in my bag. “Mia, could you get my hair brush?” Mia flew to my drawer, which is next to my bed, took my brush and flew to me.

“Okay! I think I got all that I need and all I got to do now is take a bath.” I took my towel and walked towards my bathroom. “Justine, is it safe for you, wizards and more importantly dragon slayers to go to an unknown world, such as Earth?” Mai with a cute sarcastic tone told as I was about to go inside. I turn around with my hands on my hips. “Mai, Earth isn’t an ‘unknown’ world, many dragon queens before me had a chance to go. And Earth hasn’t had ‘real’ magic for decades, meaning there is no one who has magic that can harm us. It’s completely safe!” I flashed a smile and went inside so I can have a nice bath.

Azzel’s P.O.V
*One Hour Later*
An hour had passed and it’s almost time to go to Earth. All this time I’ve been reading a book with this bad feeling about Ryu. I closed the book I was reading, placed it on my desk and stood up. “Well, I knew that this would happen. We are going to Earth.” I walked over to the door that links my room and Ryu’s and walked in.

As I walked in, I noticed Ryu was sitting on his bed with his head lowered causing his bangs to cover his eyes. I came closer to him but he didn’t even flinched, so I knew what he was thinking about.

I walked over and sat next to him. “Are you scared of going to Earth after all these years?” I asked as I looked at him with concern. “Mhm…” He slightly nodded and did not move after that. I looked at him even more concern than I was moments before. “Yesterday, you said that your past means nothing to you, and I knew you were lying. But, what I don’t know is, why? Why told us a lie, Ryu?” I asked with sincerity in my voice. He moves his head slightly to look at me but his eyes were still covered by his hair. “I just… don’t want anyone seeing me look so pathetic over something so stupid, such as my past. Not you, not Mia, not Mai, not anyone, especially Justine…” He looks back at the floor but this time he placed his hands on his forehead to give his head some support.

“Why Justine?” I asked. Then, he looked at me with his sad green eyes and said. “Because, she’s has… so many other problems to worry about. And, she still feels guilty for what happened to Arena. I just… don’t want to be an addition to those problems…” He looks at the mint green wall of his room though his eyes looked like he was staring into space. But, to me, he almost looked like he was crying, in the inside.

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