Chapter Seven

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''No room for error here.'' 

''No time to chill either, just make it quick.'' 

Kiara rolled her eyes at the two boys, she would say men but with the jabs they'd been making to each other, it was hard to view them as anything over than boys; even Prompto would have been more mature than those two right now.

They had come to an edge, needing to shimmy themselves across it whilst leaning against the wall. It looked dodgy but it was the only way forward, Gladio went first, then Noctis and Kiara followed. 

Tremors happened as they crossed, also as Noctis got another headache. ''Ugh, My head.'' Kiara's hand shot out to the young Kings chest, keeping him still until the pain and tremors near enough dissipated. 

''Again? Of all the times.'' 

''Shut your cakehole and move!'' Kiara demanded of the shield, with a glare, getting one in return, but Gladio did indeed move. They had to stop again as Noctis's pain only got worse with each step, Kiara's hand hadn't yet move and really, Noct was grateful; he wasn't all that sure he could trust himself to stay upright without help. 

''Hey! titan! What's the big idea!''

''Save it. Get to solid ground first!'' 


'''Calm down. I'm going as fast i can.'' They got near when Kiara removed her hand to stop herself from falling from the ledge at the particularly nasty tremor which of course, also had to be the moment that Noctis fell. 

A small scream managed to leave her before Gladio's fast reflexes saved Noct from a fall to his death. Gladio jumped just as the ledge fell away, Leaving Kiara to scrabble at any crack to hang onto. 

''Blake!'' Noctis seemed worried, by the sound of his voice as he called her name. ''You need to jump!''

''Oh gee! Thanks Noct, Why didn't i think of that!'' Kiara laughed, shaking her head, slightly in fear at the very long way down should she slip.

''We'll catch you!'' Gladio called. She didn't answer as she got herself a better grip on her little cracks in the wall, Lifting both boots to lay the soles of them flat against the wall, she aimed herself to the left. The boys saw her body give a little shake before she jumped towards them, though he had his arms out to catch her, She ended up landing behind him. 

''I can jump, Gladio. I'm not helpless. So let's go.'' Noctis nodded and jogged on with her following, Gladio seemed to simply stare after her for a moment before realising they were leaving. 

And really, Kiara was starting to wonder if her chances on the wall were better than being around these two. 

Noctis groaned as he stood from the small slide they'd just used, feeling and looking rather run down. ''I'm sick of this endless walking.''

''And i'm sick of your endless whining,'' Gladio grunted, throwing his hand out to grasp Noctis' collar. ''Calm the hell down!''

''Get off my back.'' 

''Are you a man of royal blood or aren't you?'' 

Noctis gave a look in Kiara's direction, seeing her hardened glare at Gladio before she realised he was looking at her. She gave Noctis a smile, a confident one that knew the answer he was going to give before he even did. 

''Of course i am.'' He shoved Gladio's hand from his neck and backed away. ''I couldn't forget it if i tried. What about it?'' 

''I ain't saying you've forgotten, but you gotta know something: you're not the only one who's having a tough time. We're all on edge. We Amicitia, are the kings sworn shields, Guard the king with our lives- that's the way its always been. I've embraced my duty, and i take pride in it. When you can't focus, I focus for you. It's my job, so let me do it, alright.''

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