Chapter Twenty Three.

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''That's so cool!' Prompto had stated when Kiara had shown him her progress in her powers. The small line of white line swirling around her hand was enough to have him in awe. ''What else! Lay it on me!'' 

Kiara chuckled as he patted her legs excitedly since they were strewn over his lap. ''I can summon little fox spirits. Only small ones but sometimes they come out looking different.'' She left out one ability that she was able to do, the type of thing that would have him worried that she would ever use it; so she left it out until something important happened. 

''That's so awesome! you're so awesome! I still can't believe you're a queen!'' 

''Neither can i.'' She laughed, leaning back and fiddling with her fingers with an absent mind. Prompto grew silent, his smile falling from his face as he looked at her, worry taking over his mind.

''Will you go back?'' he asked her, bringing her out of her thoughts and she hummed, asking him to elaborate. '' queen?'' 

''I might,'' she replied. ''When this is all over. The people need someone, they looked hopeful when they saw me walking through the streets.'' Prompto gave a small nod and hum at the reply, his eyes looking down and his hands playing with some loose fabric of her jeans. ''You're welcome to come with me?'' She added slowly. 

''Come with you?'' 

''Back to Vitacelare? When we complete this mission, you can come with me, if you want?'' 

''What about Nyx?'' 

Kiara's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what Nyx had to do with him deciding if he wanted to go back with her or not. she voiced her confusion ''I don't understand why Nyx has anything to do with it?'' 

Prompto - in her view- had gone from confident and excited to Anxious and sad in only a matter of seconds and she couldn't understand it. ''Well, he's waiting for you there, right? I don't think he'd like it if I came along, you know? Butting into your lives like that.'' 


''I have to find Noct.'' he interrupted, blue eyes looking over her head at something outside before he got up and darted off to find Noctis. When she saw the weird cloud formation she understood the urgency but still thought it was much too convenient, he needed to find Noctis yes, but part of it was the opportunity to run from the conversation. 

She wondered briefly if had anything to do with the Kiss she gave Nyx back when they were in Vitacelare, perhaps Prompto saw it as a beginning and not an end like she meant it to be. She didn't have the time to dwell on it any longer as the train came to an abrupt halt. 

She wondered why until Imperials jumped through the train windows. ''Everyone into one corner!'' she ordered the over passengers quickly, shooing those near her to one side as she pulled her blades from their sheaths. 

She wanted to find the boys but had no way to know if the people would be safe if she left them, There were children in this car, children huddling with their mothers in complete fear and the moment one of them makes eye contact with her she was gone. 

So Kiara stayed there, destroying MT after MT. There were so many and they just kept coming, a thought popped into her mind that it may have been Ardyn's doing, they were on their way to Gralea after all and Ardyn had a motivation to stop them from going any further. 

There were constant tremors by what only Kiara could assume to be the self-destructing MT's trying to destroy the train and everyone on it. Only when the MT's stopped coming did she start to relax, only letting her guard down when the train started to move again. 

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