Chapter Twenty Two

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The Train arrived at Cartanica well before nightfall so they all set out to the royal tomb near enough instantly after brushing up on supplies. Noctis made sure that Ignis truly wanted to tag along before they took the elevator down, Ignis in tow. 

Kiara stayed with Ignis, volunteering again to help him walk without tripping over him, assuring Noctis that he didn't have to walk at such a snail's pace as she was more than capable of taking care of Iggy.  

Gladio obviously disagreed. 

''Prompto described your new tattoo to me on the train,'' Ignis spoke as the three were quite a ways ahead. ''I can't help but assume there's a rather romantic notion behind it.'' 

Kiara's face tinted a slight pink, not that Ignis could see it, he could, however, see something else. ''Nothing gets past you, does it Ig?'' She chuckled. 

''It does not.'' He replied. ''I have to say, I wonder why you haven't told him. I don't see you as the type to shy away from someone you hold such feelings for.'' 

''I normally wouldn't but there's so much going on. My feelings hardly seem important at the moment, between your injuries and Noctis's pain. Ardyn's a growing pain in our asses and we never know when he'll appear. It just doesn't seem right.'' 

''On the contrary, It's precisely for those reasons that you should.'' Ignis disagreed. ''I personally believe you should tell him as soon as possible, Prompto's not the most confident of people when it comes to pretty girls, you know.''

''I know.'' She replied sadly, looking over at Prompto who was blissfully unaware of the conversation she and Iggy were having.  ''I cant understand why. Perhaps it's got something to do with his childhood. Anyhow, I'll tell him soon, I will.'' 

Ignis lips turned up a little to form a small smile, Kiara's presence was the only he could feel that wasn't doubting in his ability to continue this journey with his king.  While the others treated him near enough like glass since he lost his eyesight, Kiara hadn't once assumed him to be weakened even whilst taking care of him. 

There were a few obstacles in the way of the finding the tomb and they had even had to camp since it got quite dark. Though without Ignis's sight, they were stumped on what to have for dinner. 

''Why don't I cook?'' Kiara asked hesitantly, unsure if she even should. ''I-i may not be as good as Iggy but it certainly will be better than whatever disgusting jelly lives in this tin.'' She grimaced down at the tin in her hands, picturing the site of dog food inside that surely wouldn't even be good for a dog. 

''That's a great idea!'' Prompto cheered, jumping up from his spot on the floor where he was previously moaning about being tired. The four boys eagerly awaited the food Kiara was cooking, when they finally got to taste what she prepared, it felt as though Ignis hadn't stopped cooking. 

It was truly just as good. ''You'll make a great wife to someone, Kiara.'' Gladio grinned, stuffing his face with food.  

''I hardly think I'm the type to get married.'' Kiara chuckled, eating her own share of food. ''most of the men I've met in my life either prefer a docile woman or aren't interested.''

''Oh someone's definitely interested,'' Noctis said cryptically, waiting until Kiara turned her back to nudge Prompto in the side. The two having a silent argument with Prompto eventually winning. 

It was still morning when they found the entrance to the Royal tombs, covered in the most unsavoury of creatures spawn.

''What is this?'' 

''I hate eggs'' Gladio stated, staring at the Large eggsacks with disgust.

''Do we really wanna know what's back there?'' Kiara opened her mouth to reply to Prompto but stumbled when something suddenly popped up from the ground. She hurried to move Ignis away to a safe distance as they were standing a bit too close to it and gave him an accurate description of what had just arrived. 

''It moves quickly in the swamp water, Ig's. Would you prefer me to stay nearby!?' She asked Ignis whilst removing her bladed fans from their sheaths. Ignis never answered, seemingly getting the hang of sensing where the beast was which allowed her to room to aid in his destruction. 

Of course it would help if Prompto wasn't such a distraction, Noctis seemed to favour getting help from his best friend when dealing with a spore, the moment Prompto's name left the King's lips, The man turned from Kiara's side and aimed his pistol. ''It's all in bullet time baby.'' 

It was hardly heard over the sounds of the fighting, but Kiara heard it loud enough to be bothered by it. How his voice had lowered just enough to sound ...oh so beautiful. 

''It's useless!'' Noctis said loudly as the Malboro beast went berseck, spewing bad breath all over the place.

''What do we do!'' Prompto yelled as Kiara moved back to get Ignis to a safe distance away from the bad breathy gas of the Malboro. 

''Now might be a good time to panic.''

''No, there must be a way.'' There was panic among three of the boys, Kiara focused mainly on Ignis's safety as he tried to figure out a way to defeat the beast. ''Noct! I have an idea!'' Ignis had called once realisation hit him, gently pulling his arm away from Kiara's hand as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple bombs. ''If I may.'' 

Firebombs, throwing them into the mouth of the Malboro - which Kiara had to say was excellent blind aim- dealt more damage than they had the entire time they'd been fighting it. Ignis had gotten his footing with his blindness, gaining new skills with the lost of his sight. 

When the fight was over, The eggsacks were burned to reveal the doors to the Royal tomb.

''I think we found it'' Prompto grinned

''just wish they found a better place to build it.''

Kiara rolled her eyes but waited outside with Ignis, Prompto and Gladio until Noctis returned from getting his new weapon. ''A moment?'' Ignis asked, stopping them all when they made way to leave.  

''Is everything okay?''

''It bloody well isnt, and i wont suffer this pointless bickering in silence any longer.'' Ignis stated, calling the boys out on their anger. ''Let's be frank. My vision hasn't improved and it probably won't.  Yet in spite of this.. i would remain with you all, till the very end.'' 

''For hearth and home.'' Kiara agreed with Ignis, smiling at him. 

''Sorry, but I object. War is a matter of life and death.''

''But we'll be there!'' Prompto argued against Gladio's words. 

''It's not about us looking out for him!'' 

''uh huh, well then he should be free to choose.'' Promtpo retaliated with a strangely calm reply, though Kiara agreed. Only ignis knew what was best for himself, they weren't allowed to choose his path for him. 

''There's more too it than just what he wants.'' 

''I know full well!'' Ignis interjected loudly and with annoyance. ''I won't ask you to slow down. If I can't keep up, I will bow out.''

''What says his majesty?'' 

''Noct, you are king. One cannot lead while standing still. A king pushes onwards always and accepting the consequences, never looking back.'' Kiara nodded when Noctis's eyes glanced over at her.  ''Gladio, Noct will take his rightful place, but only once he's ready''

''Have it your way. We're still taking a really big risk. We better all be ready.'' 

Kiara sighed as Gladio walked off. ''He's always so brash. Always so quick to anger.'' Noctis took over the job of guiding Ignis since he wanted to talk more with his friend, Allowing Kiara to catch up with Prompto and walk with him. 

They didn't really talk, Prompto was too distracted with how close she was while walking beside him, how close she stood to him in the elevator. 

Not to mention how close she was to him when they boarded the train once again. 



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