A White Christmas

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Pokémon One-Shot: A White Christmas

Sandgem Town, Sinnoh


Bitter, chilly air nipped at her heels as Platinum hurriedly grabbed the mail. Pulling her red coat closer to her with one hand, she threw the door open, racing to close it once she was inside. Warmth immediately began returning to her fingers as she flipped through the envelopes before laying them on the coffee table.

"Pip?" Her oldest partner perked his head up from his place on the couch, the farthest spot from the fireplace in their small living room.

"You couldn't help me out?" Platinum fake whined as she plopped down beside Piplup. The Water-type shook his head defiantly, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. While he wasn't an Ice-type, his feathers slick coating allowed ice and snow to roll off without sticking.

Stairs creaking preceded her mother's appearance. "Good morning," she yawned.

"Morning Mom," Platinum stood, stretching her arms. Piplup joined her, eager to do something besides sit around the house all day. Since their latest win at Candice's gym, they'd been on a vacation until after the holidays.

"Where are you off to?" Her mom asked, cradling a cup of coffee in both hands.

Fixing her white hat, Platinum smiled at the familiar sight. "I'm going to visit Professor Rowan and Barry."

"What about Lucas? I heard he was back in town too," her mom reached for something laying on the table, "And don't forget this," she reminded Platinum, handing her the card.

Platinum scowled. "I'll probably see him at Rowan's lab then."

"Don't be gone too long, we still have to put up the tree."

Platinum waved her acknowledgment as the door closed behind her. Drawing her scarf closer, Platinum set off at a brisk walk. Although she didn't like the cold most of the year, seeing the trees crystallized with ice and the fields blanketed in snow made her small town feel like something out of one of the Christmas storybooks her mother used to read to her.

Humming to herself, Platinum scurried inside the lab's double doors, Piplup leaping from her hat. Her cheerfulness dissipated though when she heard raised voices coming from the back.

Nudging the door to the main sector of the laboratory open, Platinum hesitantly announced herself, "Professor Rowan?"

"You owe me big time!" A familiar blonde yelled, ignoring the girl's entrance. "This is my best shirt!"

"You should watch where you're going." The older brunette growled back.

"Barry? Lucas?" Platinum interrupted, raising her voice.

Both boys' heads jerked towards her in surprise. Barry's striped shirt was stained with a dark, unidentifiable splotch. Oddly, the urge to laugh rose in the back of her throat, but Platinum pushed it down.

"What are you doing here?" Lucas demanded, his normal politeness gone, setting down an empty coffee mug.

Platinum frowned. "I could ask you the same thing. Last time I saw you, you were training to re-challenge Volkner."

"I'm here to spend time with my family, same as you are I presume."

"Tell him he needs to pay to have this shirt cleaned!" Barry shouted at Platinum.

"I apologized, what more do you want me to do?" Lucas stated, annoyed.

Piplup rushed to keep up with Platinum, who'd placed herself between the boys. "Both of you better knock it off," she demanded, "Barry, did Lucas apologize to you like he said?"

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