I Love You Justin Bieber

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~Marianne's POV~

Me and Justin are now dating, this is what happen last week. ~~FLASHBACK~~ I met him at his concert. I was chosen to be his OLLG, I freaked out when he was walking towards me. After the song he whispered "Your so beautiful" to me and I blushed then he gave me flowers and inserted a small paper in my pocket. I didn't really pay attention to the paper because I just freaked out on how he really whispered to me that I was so beautiful. After the concert, I went to bed, and when I woke up, I quickly called my friends on the phone about me being the OLLG and Justin whispering to me that I was so beautiful. Then I told my friends that I will call them on the phone later because I remembered the paper, I quickly ran to my closet and looked for the shorts that I wore yesterday at the concert. After like 5 minutes, I finally saw it. I looked for the paper in the pockets and finally saw it, it was Justin's number! I jumped all around my room and screamed. I then thought if I will call Justin to tell him that I saw the paper or just not. I called my friends so maybe they can help me with deciding. When I told them they freaked out and asked me if I could share his number to them. I said no and just help me with deciding and after like how many minutes, I said bye to them and decided to just call Justin. I was super nervous and a little excited because I was going to talk to the JUSTIN BIEBER! After like 7 rings, he finally answered the phone. I was guessing that he was in the studio because I was hearing many songs of him.

~Phone Convo~


Me:Umm...hi......I'm the girl in the OLLG yesterday at your concert and I just want to tell that I recieved the paper



Justin:So.....I know that we don't even know each other yet....but......are you available later night?


I said while thinking if I have somewhere to go tomorrow with my friends

Me:Yeah! I'm available later night!

Justin:Great! I'll just pick you up at your house on 6pm?


I said happily

Justin:Wait where is your house?

I told him my address

Justin:Yay! So I'll see you later then.




~End of phone convo~

I hung up and jumped all around again. I called my friends on the phone and told them that I was meeting Justin later. They freaked out again and then said that they were so excited and happy for me. After like 15 minutes of talking, I said bye to them. Then heard my mom call me for lunch, I shouted ''Ok!''. I quickly went down and excited to tell my mom about what happened yesterday at the concert and that me and Justin are going to meet later.

Me:Hi Mom!

Mom:Hey! You look happy, what's with you today?

Me:First is, I was OLLG yesterday at the concert. Second is, Justin whispered to me that I was beautiful and he inserted a small piece of paper which is his number.Third is, I called him a while ago to tell him that I saw the number and he asked me if available later night and I said yes!

Mom: Really?! Wow! I'm so happy for you Marianne!

Me:Awww thanks mom!

I hugged her then told her that we should eat. And after I ate and talked with mom, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was my dad, he told us that he will be back next week but he was already here from his business trip in London.

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