Day of training

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"Hey Winx!" 

The six girls looked over towards the sound of the voice was coming from. Muchi was running towards them, waving her hand up. Kat and Jared seemed to follow behind. "Oh, hi guys! What brings you three here?" Bloom asked the Scolacians. The three ran up to them. Muchi caught her breath before she could respond. "What'cha up to?"

"We were just having some magic practice. Why?" Aisha raised an eyebrow at the shorter girl. "Oooh! Cool! So... it's kind of like, training?" Muchi responded, beamming. "Yup, sort of" 

"What do you even do" Kat leaned against Muchi forcefully, wearing an unimpressed look. Muchi quickly pushed her off in frustration, telling her off in process. "Sorry about her, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Muchi rubbed the back of her neck in embrrassment. "You bet I did! Say, why don't we get married after we finish this conversation?" The taller woman asked in a bright tone all of a sudden, causing Muchi to facepalm.

The Winx laughed at the taller girl's intentions on trying to not make Muchi get mad at her. "Well... we teach here in Alfea, you know, in magic and stuff" Stella responded to the dark-haired girl's question. "But we're also here to do some research and training"

"Like what, for example?" Jared spoke up, lifting the book from his face. Then he went back to reading right away. Stella smiled "This" 

Yanking the book out from Jared's hands, Stella used her magic to see what was Jared reading all this time. Jared attempted to grab the book back, but he didn't want to seem rude and all. "Eragon?" Stella read the title of the book. "What's this about?"

"It's about a dragon, now give me my book" Jared said, unemotionally. Stella tossed the book over to him, muttering a 'Fine'. The dark-haired boy grabbed the book and opened it to the page were he was currently reading. "I'm going, all the way over there. If that's alright" He walked away quickly from the girls and into the shade. 

"....Really I cannot express how sorry I am for his attitude. He's always like that" Muchi used one hand to cover her face. "Don't worry about it, Muchi" Flora placed a hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. 

"Hey girls, we should probably start training now" Aisha used some of her magic to twirl a hoolahoop in her hand. The rest of the Winx agreed. "You two can watch if you want" Aisha looked over at the two Scolacians with a smile.

"Eh, it's okay...I--" Kat was cut off by someone calling out the Winx' names. All of them turned towards the School building to find a pale blonde haired girl and a pink haired girl walking towards them. Bloom gasped when she saw the two. "Daphne! Roxy!"

Muchi and Kat raised an eyebrow as the two, Daphne and Roxy went up to the Winx and reunited. "Hello Winx" Daphne greeted, laughing a little. She then turned her attention towards the two Scolacians. "Who are these?"

"Oh, these are Muchi and Kat. They're from Scola De Magicae Veeta, on Earth" Bloom responded to her elder sister. Daphne showed interest in the two. "From Earth? That's unlikely to hear. But I do know little about Scola, Headmistress Faragonda has told me about it once" 

"That's amazing! I've never heard of that school before. What do you guys do there?" Roxy asked the two Scolacian in excitement. Muchi pushed Kat infront to explain. "Uh...." Kat gave Roxy a nervous smile. "Umm....Muchi?" Kat smiled at the shorter Scolacian, who glared at her before stepping up yet again. "Pretty similar to Alfea, if you look at it that way" 

Muchi glanced up to find the Winx using their magic to train. "'s kind of different in a way too..." 

"Can you show me?" Roxy asked, smiling widely. "..I suppose...." Muchi looked at Kat, who just shrugged. Before they could start, they saw Kitchi, David, and Aaron passing by. Muchi called them over. 

"What's the hold up??" David asked, raising an eyebrow at thebrunette. "Wanna demostrate how we train?" Muchi smirked, placing her hands behind her back. Just a David was about to respond, Aaron pushed him aside. "Yeah! Sure why not!" He cracked his knuckles with a smile on his face.

"You might wanna stand back, Pink-hair" Aaron said to Roxy. "This is gonna be fun"



"..fffkc you Aaron...." Muttered David, who was faceslammed on the ground by Aaron. Kitchi, Muchi, and Roxy stared in shock as Aaron slammed down onto the other boy's back. David let out a groan of pain as Aaron stood up dusting himself off. "3, 2, 1! You're out biatch!!" Kat bent down at David, grinning. 

"I'd like to see you beat him!" David muttered, sitting up from the ground, patches of dirt on his face. "Heh, alright. Bring it on--"


Muchi gasped in shock as Kitchi and Roxy stared, wide-eyed. Aaron sat ontop of the dark-haired girl, who struggled to get up. "Goddmmt Aarn..!!!"

"...I wasn't expecting your training like this! But, still, wow!" Roxy wore an impressed but also shocked expression. Aaron dusted himself off once again, before walking off smiling. Kat sat up painfully, wiping off the dirt from her face beside David, who smirked at her.

"Don't even say anything, four-eyes" Kat threatened to hit him, causing David to back off.


A large grin was spread on Jared's face as he watched Professor Palladium, tossed in some potions into the boiling pot of strange green liquid. The alfean students stared in awe as the green liquid evaporated into a cloud of smoke, which changed into the color blue. But their amazed faces quickly changed into a look of horror as they saw the cloud started to take up the whole room and it started to let out a nasty aroma. Jared, who was by the door wore an emotionless expression but held a strange herb in his hand, since he accidentally, quote on quote, ACCIDENTALLY tossed in the herb into the same boiling pot right before the class even started. Let's just say everyone had to open all the windows and doors, while the professor tried to find out what was wrong.


"!" Kitchi lifted up her arms in excitement as she danced around the Alfea Library. She was quickly scolded and shushed by Librarian Barbatea, who was reorganizing the books that Kitchi has previously read scattered on the floor.


David let out a yawn as he groggily looked at the other Alfean students that were taking down notes to what the teacher was explaining. "Borrring..."


"Why don't you give it a try, Ron?" Professor Wizgiz let Aaron try to shapeshift infront of the class. Most of the Alfeans were looking at him, waiting for him to transform. Aaron looked around nervously. He took a deep breath in. He raised up a rolled piece of paper and yelled, "....ANIMAGI!!" 

"...." Everyone stared at the Scolacian as if he was crazy. Aaron sighed in embarrassment. Well, Harry Potter spells don't work here.


"Hey teach! Poof me up a broom, would ya?" Kat snapped her fingers at the magic teacher, with Muchi uneffectively hitting her in the arm to make her stop. Professor DuFour rolled her eyes at the dark-haired Scolacian and used magic to make a broom appear. It floated towards her, and Kat grabbed it quickly. "See here, Alfean fairies, or whatever. This is what I've learned!" She placed the broom between her legs and held it just like how a witch would hold it. "Anime, don't fail me now" She muttered before  she shouted the two words.


Nothing. Kat looked down at the broom, and stomped her right foot on the ground. "TIA FREYRE! TIA FREYRE! TIA FREYRE!!!!" She began violently hopping on the broom still in between her legs around the room, much to the Alfean fairies surprise. Some of them even started giggling at the Scolacian's ridiculous actions. Professor DuFour sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now