Special Service

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After the journey leaving Scola, the Winx were by far exhausted the time they reached the place were they had left off when they first arrived in the place where Scola was located. By now the sun was gone and the moon was up shining bright in the dark blue sky. Once again, the Winx lookd around to see if anyone was around or not.

"Do you think it's safe to teleport here?" Aisha asked. Bloom looked around, but she answered her friend with a shrug. "I'm not sure, someone could see us if we attempt to leave here"

"And so how do we leave this place then?" Musa asked the dragon flame fairy.

Bloom looked at the others for any ideas. Flora and Aisha seemed to be clueless aswell. Stella just let out a yawn from tiredness. But then Tecna thought of something that might come in handy.

"Hey! How about we stay in a motel for the night?" She suggested to her friend. Stella immediately agreed with her. "Yeah...I'm too tired to teleport back to Magix..."

"I think I saw a motel when we passed by the other day" Flora spoke up. She pointed her finger towards the direction where they had seemed to pass by. "I believe it's over there somewhere"

Bloom nodded her head. "Alright, then let's go" 

The six fairies headed out to look for that certain motel in the dark alleyways. The streelights seemed to be flickering once in a while, but they gave decent light for the girls to make their way through the streets. 

"Gee, it sure is kinda eerie here. Gardenia was never as quiet like this" Bloom commented on the town's atmosphere. "Not a single person is out--...oh nevermind" Bloom was cut off when she saw a few people walking by them at the opposite side of the road. 

"Maybe they like a peaceful town?" Musa shrugged. "Or it's just really late..." Stella yawned once again.

"It's over there!" Flora pointed out at a small building that lighted up the words 'Motel' on the sign.

The girls walked up in front of the building and hesitated to go inside. "Uhm, are you sure this 'motel' is even a motel?" Aisha asked, cringing at the how the building looked.

It was an old building, looked like only a few people run the place. 

"If it has a bed, then I'm fine with that" Stella said, yawning for the third time. 

"Guess we have to look inside to find out..." Bloom reluctantly placed her hand on the doorknob and let herself and the Winx inside. 

The door creaked open. Bloom peeked inside and saw that the inside looked different from what was outside.

Surprisingly, the place was rather clean and it had a decent aroma to it. "Hey, this place doesn't look too bad." Bloom took one step inside and noticed that the carpet was stained with some kind of yellow substance. "Okay, never mind"

"What's the hold up?" Stella asked tiredly from behind the group.

Bloom looked down, then looked back at them with a nervous glance. "Uhm...you don't really wanna know"

The dragon fairy hesitantly opened the door wider to let herself and the girls inside. She continued to step inside until she was fully inside the motel. The Winx quickly trailed behind her, closing the door slowly.

"Hello...?" Bloom called out to the reception desk, but it was empty. 

"Guess the motel's empty?" Aisha shrugged. "Ya think?" Stella said groggily.

Bloom looked over the desk and saw no one hiding behind it. "Maybe we should just find another motel to stay in"

The other five agreed and procceeded to head out the door. 

"You ladies looking for a place to stay?" A raspy voice alerted the fairies. They all turned around to find a man, about 5'9, standing behind them. He wore a white polo shirt with blue jeans. He was in his late forty's, to say the least.

He coughed and cleared his throat. "Sorry...sorry. I shouldn't have scared you girls like that.." His raspy voice was gone after he let out a few chokes. 

"...uhm..." Bloom looked at the Winx for any sort of plan. They all shrugged. "...ye..yes sir. We are"

"Well...that won't be a problem. Let's get you ladies a room. Boys!" The man shouted. The girls heard a couple of footsteps rushing from the other room, wearing casual clothing.

"Hurry it up, these girls haven't got all night!" The man said angrily as a group of six guys hurriedly run up to them. The Winx gasped. So did the guys.













The man all stared at them, raising an eyebrow. "Uhm. Ehem" He cleared his throat. The girls and guys all turned to him.

"You know these girls, boys?" The man asked. The guys all nodded their heads. 

"These are our girlfriends, sir" Sky said, wrapping his arm around Bloom. The man placed a finger underneath his chin. "Hm. What a coincidence, I suppose?"

The man excused himself to let the guys and the Winx have some privacy.

"Oh my gosh, Sky! What are you guys doing here?" Bloom asked, happy to see her boyfriend and the other specialists.

"Well...you see...the guys and I haven't seen you girls in a while..." Sky said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So we decided to ask Ms. Faragonda where you girls headed...you know..just to check up on you all" Brandon finished his best friend's sentence. 

"Awww!! You missed us, didn't you? I missed you too, snookums!" Stella hugged him tightly.

Everyone had a short reunion of saying how much they missed each other and all that stuff, until the man from earlier returned. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked.

"Not at all" Everyone responded. The man nodded. He then went over to the desk and sat down to do some paper work.

"So...why are you guys working, here?" Musa asked Riven, raising her eyebrow. "No offense, sir" She said to the man at the reception desk. "None taken" He responded.

"Uhm...well we couldn't seem to find Scola anywhere in this place, so we decided to wait for you girls somewhere around here. And then we eventually found this place and started to work here just for the sake of staying in a shelter" Riven answered back to the music fairy.

"We missed you guys" Flora said to Helia, giving him a hug. "Same here"

"We were just about to head back to Alfea, but Stella here's too tired to even transform" Tecna said, pointing at the Solar fiary.

"No worries. We'll take you girls back home. We still have our ship, it's parked hidden on a field somewhere" Timmy told the Tecno fairy.

"Who says you're leaving so soon?" The man spoke up. Everyone froze.

The man let out a laugh. "Nah, I'm just messing with you all. Go right ahead" He said, his hand shooing them all to the door. 

"Thank you sir" They all were heading for the door. 

"Hey. You all say hi to my daughter for me, alright?" The man said all of a sudden, before the Winx and Specialists closed the door behind them.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now