Astute Institute

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"So you guys are friends with Jared, Aaron, Kat, Muchi, Kitchi, and David?" Bloom asked Keisha and Seth. The both of them responded with a nod. "Sorry for being a little harsh awhile ago" Harry said to the Winx, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's alright" Flora acknowledged.

"You know, we should let you guys in. It's getting dark anyways so..." Keisha motioned her hand towards the a road that stretched far across a field. "Let's get going"

"But what about Stella?! Our friend?!" Aisha asked worriedly. Keisha, Harry, and Seth all exchanged a glance. "Alright. I'll go look for her" Harry volunteered to search for their missing friend. "What does she look like?"

"She has long blonde hair, and she's wearing a pink and blue outfit, like ours" Aisha described the solar fairy. Harry nodded his head then took off running into the opposite direction to where they were heading. Bloom looked worried for him. "Are you guys sure he'll be alright alone? I can go with him" 

Seth shook his head. "He'll be fine. He's been through a lot of stuff like that before. He's used to it by now"

Bloom nodded her head, but still felt concerned about their tall friend. Keisha and Seth lead the Winx out into the field, looking back a couple of moments a few times just to make sure that the Winx are still with them. They didn't want anyone getting lost.

Bloom could feel the tips of the tall grass brush against her legs as they walked by. She glanced at her other friends, who all seemed to be cautious aswell. They were all worried about Stella. What if she got lost? What if she got herself in trouble? Where would they find her at this point?

The sky seemed to be darker than usual. When glanced up, the moon was completely covered with clouds. And there were no stars shining. That's weird.

"Hey guys, so where are we actually heading off to?" Musa spoke up. Keisha and Seth looked back at the music fairy. "Scola, why?"

Musa was about to answer back, but Bloom looked at her, her face saying to save it for later. The music fairy just kept quiet, much to Seth and Keisha's confusion. "Scola's just up ahead, alright? You girls can still walk a few miles?" Seth said, turning his attention back to walking straight ahead.

Miles?! The Winx thought to themsleves. Keisha elbowed Seth in the ribs. "Stop exaggerating!" She turned her face to give the Winx an apologetic look. "Sorry, he MEANT just a few more yards away.."

The Winx looked around. "Uh, I don't see anything? Apart from grass?" Aisha commented. "Same here" Musa and Tecna agreed. 

"Keep walking and you'll see" Said Keisha.

As they continued their hike to reach Scola, Keisha and Seth seemed to stray further from the group as they fastened their walking pace. "Hey wait up!" Bloom called out to them.

Trying to catch up to the two scolacians was tiring alright. The Winx looked up and what they saw astonished them. After clouds had cleared up a little bit, they could make out a large barricade that seemed to stretch across the field for miles! Keisha and Seth were approaching to what is seems to be a large door. It had Scola's logo on it, that's for sure.

"You coming?" Keisha called out. The Winx hurried their walking pace and were able to reach the two of them just as the large door slowly began to rise up, allowing an opening for the two scolacians and Winx to enter. 


"Listen here, girly. If you make any sudden moves on us, you'll regret it with every drop of fairy dust you make" Mikhe threatened, holding his blade up against the solar fairy's neck. Stella was pretty pissed off at him, but she wasn't going to let her head get sliced off so she just kept quiet and nodded her head.

"Hold on" Mikhe grabbed Stella on the hips. "Just so you know, it's not what it seems. I don't like girls who scream anyway" He lifted Stella up and held her on his back. "If you try to choke me there, we're both going down. Literally" He unequipted his sword into its holder and grasped Stella's arms tightly. Neell and Sam did the same.

"What do you mea--AAAAHH!!!" Cut off by Mikhe taking off the ground using his gear, Stella let out a scream in horror while unintentionally hugging Mikhe's neck. He let out a groan, before he flicked a switch on his gear to make them hover faster. The hooks that allowed them to take off were followed by another set of hooks that replaced them. So the two glided across the field, a few feet off the ground. 

Stella looked behind her and saw Neell and Sam maneuvering behind them. 

Soon enough, they came to a stop at the large barricade. The hooks from their gears all made a 'clink' as they attatched themselves into the stone-like barrier. 

They all got ontop of the wall, and Mikhe let Stella get off him. As the solar fairy set foot on the wall, she looked over at the other side in amazement. "This..this is really beautiful!" She looked up at the night sky. The moon was up. And stars were shining in the dark blue upper atmosphere.

"Don't have too much fun, Stelly. We still have to do something about you" Mikhe said, glaring at the solar fairy. Stella's mood returned to back to being pissed off. "Ugh, my boyfriend would never treat me like this.." She said to herself, loud enough for everyone to hear. Mikhe scoffed. "You? You have a boyfriend? Ha! That's a good one" 

"Well at least I have a significant other!" Stella growled. Mikhe perked up when he heard her say that. "For your information, fairy. I DO have a girlfriend" 

Stella rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah? Then where is she?"

Mikhe narrowed his eyes, but he couldn't answer. Just then, the female commander arrived with the help of her gear. "Mikhe! Oh, you brought her here...thanks." 

The dark-haired male jolted up, saluting as quick as possible. "Y-Yes! Here she is, Sh-Shayne--I-I mean! Commander!" He pushed Stella towards the commander with force.

Stella almost tripped but regained her balance. She shot a glare at Mikhe before the commander grabbed her arm, but not as tight. She pulled Stella with her as she operated her gear to allow the both of them to glide down the barricade, this inside of Scola.

Mikhe let out a sigh, just as Sam and Neell gave him a smug look. "Wh-What?!"

"Come on, dude. It's obvious" Sam said, giving him half a smirk. Mikhe groaned. "Fuck off"

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