Last Day

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"Sorry you guys had to deal with that giant alone...I wish we couldve done something more" Muchi sat on the opposite end of the table. Everyone was having a group meeting, since it was the last day of the trip."Don't worry about it, Muchi. We handled it just fine. And besides, no one got hurt, and that's what matters" Bloom said to the brunette with a smile. 

Muchi frowned, fiddling with her thumbs. "Yeah but, I heard some of you almost got hurt..." Stella perked up. "Oh, you mean me? Eh, if that giant's attack wasn't so sudden then we could've finished it off easily" Kitchi sat between Jared and Aaron. "Who are those three girls anyway? The ones you guys were attacking before the giant came?"

"...oh, they've been our enemies for a very long time. It's a long story, really" Musa responded, resting her head on her hand on the table. "They seem to be stronger" Jared commented unexpectedly.

"You're right, actually. They weren't as strong like last time, so it's kind of strange that they all of a sudden get a boost of magic in them" Tecna inquired. "No surprise if they were able to summon that giant creature then" Aaron commented. "Say, you guys defeated that giant anyway?" Kat spoke up all of a sudden in a worried tone. "Well, we did't really defeat it, the giant just, left" Aisha responded, unsure. "Where'd it run off to?" David asked, raising an eyebrow. "Not sure, it crouched down into the trees before we could see where it went off to" Bloom answered back.

"Eh, if the giant's gone, then there's no need to worry anymore" David said, crossing his arms. "We can't be sure, David. It could come back sooner or later" Tecna said to David. "Tecna's right. We should keep an eye out for it. Who knows what it'll do" Bloom said to the two groups.

"But hey..." Stella spoke up. "Since you guys are heading back to Earth soon, why don't we have some fun? You know, just for memories before you guys leave" "..." The Winx looked hesitant to Stella's request. "That's a great idea, Stells" Kitchi said, smiling. "The giant watchout can wait. I just wanna relax" Kat joined in. "Mhm! Same here!" Muchi said in excitement. "Eh, why not?" David looked over at Aaron and Jared.

"...Uhh whatever you guys decide, I'm fine with it" Aaron looked at the Winx then back at his friends. Bloom sighed but agreed. "Sure, why not. Let's have some fun then" Everyone cheered in joy and excitement.

"These are our classmates back home" Muchi pointed at a few pictures in her scrapbook, showing it to Stella and Flora. "That's Jas, Kirstine, Christen, and Gigi. They're the enforcers of the class, as we call them since Christen is the secretary of the class" Muchi explained.

"Oolala, they have a taste in fashion" Stella looked at their outfits on the pictures in delight. "They sound wonderful" Flora commented.

"I've been learning about Astronomy ever since I was only a kid. It runs in the blood, I guess" Kitchi explained to Tecna, feeling a little flustered.

"Same here! But I'm more on technology" Tecna laughed. "No wonder why you're name's Tecna" Kitchi and Tecna both laughed at the Scolacian's comment.


"I draw"

Kat rested her head on her arms. "That's your talent? Bloom's got the same talent as you!" Musa said, looking over at the dragon flame fairy. "Oh, ...what a coincidence" Kat muttered.

"Did you bring any drawings with you?" Aisha asked. "...Acutally...Yeah. I think they're in my bag" Kat grabbed her backpack that layed on the floor beside them.

Kat took out a heavy-looking sketchpad from the opening. She plopped the book down on the table and opened it. Musa and Aisha stared in amazement as they flipped through the drawings. "Cool! What do you call your drawings?" Aisha asked the dark-haired Scolacian. "Zombiedumb" Kat responded simply. Stella turned her attention towards them.

"Did you just say...'Zombies'?" She cringed at the sound of that. "You got a problem with that, blondie?" Kat asked. 


"Hey Jared...." Bloom looked over to what Jared was reading. It was the same Eragon book. "Why do you always read that book?" The dragon flame fairy asked. Jared didn't look up from his book. "I have nothing else to do" He answered simply. Bloom looked around the room, at her friends and the Scolacians, then back at Jared. 

"You could always join the others?" Bloom suggested. Jared didn't even look at her, he just let out a low sigh. "I prefer being alone"

Bloom raised an eyebrow. "Alone? Why's that?" 

Jared scoffed. "Who knows"

Bloom didn't respond to him afterwards. It's not like she wanted him to join the others. She felt bad for him. She herself wanted to be alone multiple times before. "...I...I guess I'll just leave you alone for now..." 


It was nighttime. The Winx led the Scolacians outside the school, where they all saw a plane landing onto the school grounds. It was time for the Scolacians to leave. Headmistress Faragonda and Griselda were also with them. Everyone looked at the plane, when the pilot hopped out of the door. "Well, hope ye kids had fun. Now hop on, we gotta get goin'" The pilot pointed at the passenger door.

The Scolacians looked at the Winx, and they looked back at them. "You know, even if we didn't learn so much, we still had fun. Thanks, girls" Kitchi said, smiling sadly. "What are you talking about, I learned a lot these past few days!" Muchi said happily. "And that is?" 

"A lot! That's all I can say" The short brunette said before she picked up her heavy bag. "We're gonna miss you guys"

"We'll miss you guys too" Bloom said, crossing her arms. "Have a safe trip back home"

"We will..... and thanks. For, ye know... saving us I IM NOT GOOD WITH GOODBYES, OKAY?" Kat pulled Muchi towards the plane to avoid any embarrassment. Bloom laughed. "You're welcome"

"Hey... uh..." Aaron looked around. "..see ya" Aaron said, before he quickly ran up the plane and into the passenger door. "Itwasnicebeingwithyouguys!"

The remaining three Scolacians boarded the plane last. David fingerguned the Alfeans, with a smirk. "See you, Winx. Oh and Ms. Faragonda..and Ms. Griselda" 

The headmistress gave him a half hearted wave. "Stay out of trouble" Griselda said, returning the smirk at David. 

Jared was about to close the door of the plane but at the last second, the Winx yelled out 'Wait!' Jared opened the door a little bit to see Bloom handing him a piece of paper. "Just a souvenir" 

The dark-haired Scolacian hesitantly took it. "Thanks...." He looked at the paper and it was a drawing. A drawing of everyone. "Ooh, not bad!" Kat stared at it over Jared's shoulder.

"See you, guys" Bloom waved before Jared closed the plane door. "BYEEE!!!" David pressed his face up against the glass. Kitchi, Aaron, and Muchi waved goodbye from the window. Then the plane started to take off the ground. 

"Heh, that was a 'fun' week, am I right?" Kat sat beside Jared, putitng her feet up against an empty seat. Jared nodded in agreement before looking out the window to see the plane already high above Alfea. "Eh, but not really exciting" 

"You kids look like you had fun" The Pilot said while steering the plane. "We did actually" Kitchi responded back. The pilot chuckled. "I could see that. Well then, you best be getting some rest now. This is gon' to be a long way back home"

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now