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Bellamy, you idiot. Grace didn't deserve this.
Murphy, you ass. Nobody deserved this.


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A sigh slips past Grace's mouth as she starts towards Bellamy and Clarke, who both stood in front of the now burned down smokehouse. After last night when it caught fire and Grace had to quite literally keep Murphy and Del from killing each other because of it, Grace couldn't even get herself to look at the ruins of the building.

"Any idea what happened?" Grace asks the two, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets and out of sight. The last thing she needed was either of the two taking notice of her bloody and busted open knuckles from the night before when she found herself assaulting the back of the dropship when no one was around. Her anger was getting harder and harder to control the more anxious she got from the grounders not having retaliated yet. Seriously, what was taking them so long?

"Murphy says that Del kept feeding the fire, mostly because Octavia told him it was a bad idea," Bellamy informs the two girls from his crouched position in the middle of the wreckage.

"And we believe Murphy?" Clarke asks.

"I do. Yeah," Bellamy nods his head at the girls, much to their surprise.

"We have some wild onions and nuts in the dropship. It's only enough to last us maybe one or two weeks," Clarke sighs. "What's left here?"

"Nothing," Bellamy stands to send the girls uneasy looks. "It all burned."

Grace nods her head as her mind reeled for solutions to their problem, but only coming up with one solution; they hunt.

"Then we have to hunt," the redhead runs a hand through her hair and squeezes her eyes shut for a couple of seconds, a sigh escaping her mouth for the umpteenth time since she's woken up. "Anyone we can spare goes out."

"With the whole grounder army out there?" Bellamy asks in disbelief.

"I agree with Grace," Clarke buts in. "We can't defend ourselves if we're starving."

Bellamy nods his head as he watches the two girls walk away.

"Each group takes someone with a gun," Bellamy calls. "And they're for killing grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo."

"Use the spears for hunting," Grace calls out. "Get what you can and be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark."

The redhead steps toward Bellamy and places a hand on his shoulder blade to get his attention. He turns, brows furrowing in confusion when he notices she doesn't have a weapon in hand. "You're not coming?"

SAVIOUR, BELLAMY BLAKE ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now