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I love that Grace is actually getting closer with her people in this second part, which is something she didn't really get the chance to do in the first part. Or, not that was really talked about anyways. And I really like that the forty-eight look up to her as sort of a motherly figure as well. I don't know, they're adorable.


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Grace lays her head in Miller's lap, her feet in Jasper's. Every inch of her felt like there was weights tied to it and all she wanted to do was sleep. "I'm exhausted."

"I'm tired of puking," Harper whispers from where she's leaning back against the bunk next to the one Grace and the others were on.

"I'm tired of being a human pincushion," Miller mutters, running his hands through Grace's hair. He's been trying to learn how to braid for a while but so far they've all looked like shit so he just took them right back out. Grace didn't mind, anyways. The feeling of his fingers running through her hair sort of relaxed her, oddly enough.

"Look, I know this sucks, but as long as it seems like we're cooperating, we're buying ourselves time," Jasper says, his failing attempt at reassuring them all.

"Time for what?" Miller questions, leaning forward slightly. "I say if we're gonna die in here, we might as well die trying to escape."

Harper nods in agreement while Grace sighs. "We've been over this. After Clarke left, there is no escape. We just have to hold on long enough for her to find a way to get us out."

"What if she doesn't find a way?" Monty asks, looking up at them. Grace's expression softens when she sees the bags under his eyes. It seemed no one was getting a good nights sleep anymore. "What if she didn't make it out? What if that's just a story they're telling us to hide the fact they killed her? Then no one's coming for us and we're doing exactly what they want us to do."

Monty was right, of course. None of them knew for sure that Clarke was even out there right now, plotting ways to get them out of Mount Weather and back safely with her. They don't even know if she's alive. It had crossed everyone's minds at least once. They really didn't know if they were truly alone in this or not. Clarke could be out there with Bellamy and the other survivors, or she could be dead three feet outside of this bunker. Truth was, they didn't really know.

"Guys . . . you know you've thought it, too."

"All right, then. We escape," Harper deadpans.

"No. We find the truth."

"How do we do that?" Monty asks, curiously.

Grace smiles at Jasper as he speaks, "We're criminals, right? So, let's be criminals."

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