2 | D. Salvatore [1]

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« Imagine, Damon finds out you're planning to get yourself turned into a vampire so you can turn your emotions off because of him

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« Imagine, Damon finds out you're planning to get yourself turned into a vampire so you can turn your emotions off because of him. »

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

You and Damon once had a thing. It was great. More than great. Possibly considered perfect. That was until you broke up and it felt like your entire world had shattered. Damon had phrased it as him not wanting to put you in danger anymore. You were human after all, when it happened, and he was sick of seeing you get hurt. The moment he broke up with you, he hurt you more than anyone else had in your entire life.

You had parted your ways, Damon vowing to stay out of your life so you can avoid trouble. But that wasn't what you wanted. You wanted him. Needed him. He made you a better person, and you made him a better person. Even Stefan saw that.

Stefan remained a friend, a close one. But not being able to see Damon broke your entire heart into two. You felt physical pain from it.

Stefan had found out about your plan on becoming a vampire, he immediately put a stop to it. You knew he would, it's Stefan Salvatore for christ sake. But little did he know you had a plan with a different vampire.

One night you just vanished, meeting with another vampire outside of Mystic Falls and having yourself turned. Stefan had gone to his house to try and find you, only finding Damon sitting in the lounge, drinking a glass of bourbon.

"Damon, have you seen Y/N?" Stefan was quick to question, using his enhanced hearing to listen out for any signs of you in the large home.

"I haven't spoken to Y/N in months." Damon rolled his eyes at his brother, although his brow quirked up in suspicion. "Why?"

"She's gone missing." Stefan replied, turning around to leave the home.

"Hold on." Damon's voice sounded with a hint of concern, his vampiric speed sending his body infront of his brothers as he was just about to leave, holding his palm out and blocking him from leaving. "Missing? What do you mean missing?"

"As in, she was here this morning and now she's gone." Stefan spoke sarcastically, sounding like Damon for a moment. "We might be too late even if we do find Y/N." He sighed, a panicked look on his face.

Damon didn't even have to say a word to question what the hell his brother was on about, instead he rose a brow yet again, a confused expression slapped on his face, almost looking pained as if he was imagining a tonne of horrid things that could be happening to you.

Stefan sighed quietly.

"There was an idea that becoming a vampire means you get a humanity switch. Y/N is getting themselves turned so they can turn it off. The pain from the break-up and everything else was getting too much. I was keeping an eye on it but—"

Stefan didn't even finish. The expression change on his brother's face concerned him even more. Damon looked horrified. He'd never seen this side of Damon before, never seen that expression before. Never seen so much concern on his face.

His eyes were wide, his mouth formed into a small 'o' shape and his breath begun speeding up as if he was about to have a panic attack or was having difficulty breathing.

"Y/N..." Damon whispered quietly.

"Come on." Stefan patted his brother's shoulder, practically shoving him out of the door as they both sped off together to find you.

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