15 | M. Parker [2]

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« Imagine, Kai's entire world changing when you have a child together

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« Imagine, Kai's entire world changing when you have a child together. »

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Boo!" You heard Kai's voice from another room, followed by the very amused giggle of your child.

Every time you heard or saw Kai with your child your heart melted from the absolute adorableness that emitted from them both. When Kai found out you were pregnant with his child it was like he was reborn into a totally different life, his actions changed, his whole personality changed, and for the better. You were so happy to have a child with him as you knew your child would be safe, and most of all would probably grow up to be a powerful witch just like their father.

You finished making your cup of coffee in the kitchen, smiling from the amount of laughter you could hear from the other room coming from both your child and your boyfriend.

"Alright little one, time for bed." Kai cooed at your child, the sound of movement from inside the room as to which you could only assume Kai was manoeuvring your child to the small cot that sat in the corner of the room.

You made your way into the lounge area, leaning against the doorframe and going un-noticed by Kai as he set your child down in the cot and pulled a teddy into his arms, your child's favourite teddy. Kai held the teddy in front of his face, putting on a face voice and beginning to move the stuffed arms to blow kisses to your child and say goodnight. The smile on your face only widening as you saw him do this.

You made your way further inside, setting your cup of coffee down on the table in the room and quietly making your way beside Kai, who finally noticed you were in the room. You peeked over the cot to find your child already fast asleep.

"You have no idea how adorable that was." You whispered to Kai.

Kai lowered the teddy just underneath his chin, side-eyeing you and smiling as he gazed at you for a few more moments, nothing but adoration in his eyes for you. Every time he looked at you that way it made you fall in love with him all over again. You stepped closer to him, cupping his face in your hands and placing a kiss upon his lips, causing him to smile even wider. He parted momentarily, lifting the teddy that he was still holding up to your nose and making the teddy kiss you.

You laughed quietly, shaking your head in amusement as he smiled back at you and gently placed the teddy back into the cot beside your child, both of you just watching for a moment as the infant's chest rose and fell ever so carefully in their sleep.

You've never felt so lucky in your entire life.


[Author's Note: Obviously this chapter isn't realistic what-so-ever because Kai literally tried to harm his own younger siblings in The Vampire Diaries, but it's make believe so just shush and go with it LOL.]

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