Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Shopping!

I felt tears come down my face, with joy rushing within me. "Yes!" I squealed with joy. He took the ring out of the navy blue box. It had one diamond ring and other small diamonds surrounding it.

"Oh my god, I love it!" I said getting in his arms to kiss him.

Finally after all these years of pain, running, and anger. I am finally at rest. Hana is totally fine now that I'm a hybrid and Kayla is my best friend but I don't care if she's a witch. Now me and Tyler are getting married!

"Yay!!" Hana and Kayla both yelled jumping up and down. He slowly put on the ring on my finger a I saw it as it shined in the light. His face went very warm, as if he has been waiting to do this for years.
I kissed him and I felt like a ton has been lifted off my chest. I gave him a huge hug and loved it!

"But wait, I have nothing to wear" I said sadly.

"Ok then lets go get a dress!" Kayla said grabbing her purse. "I'll help with Tyler!" Hana said grabbing her little journal. Everybody giggled at the thought that Hana wanted to help.

Kayla went in my car, dragging me inside. "Your crazy" I teased putting on my seat belt.

( Soon after Kayla and Emma reach to the wedding store)

I felt the car rumbled as Kayla kept the car at high speed. She had a grip on the steering wheel. She sharply turned on the corner and parked at the front of the store.

Kayla unlocked the doors and we both climb out of the car. The store was called "I do" with big white ribbon on the side. It looked really pretty. We both walked inside seeing white everywhere.

White dresses, white carpet, white walls, and white couches. It looked like heaven in a room. "Hey welcome to I do. My name is Liky, can I help you?" A lady said. She was wearing a very light blue dress Taft went to her knees and a Crystal necklace that had a clear flower.

Her shoes were white high heals, that looked new. She had Burnett hair, pale skin, brown eyes, and about 5'4.

"Hey my friend here is getting married and i want something that is pure beaut-E-ful!" Kayla said happily.

She led us to a room with 3 dresses. "I like that one" I said pointing at a dress. The dress was a mermaid type dress, and pretty design on the front, and it came with a Beautiful crown along with a cape.

"Go put it on!" Kayla squealed. Soon I put on the dress and came out of the dressing room. Kayla and Lily were shocked. "You look so beautiful" Kayla said with her beaming eyes. I blushed feeling the dress on me and looking in the mirror.

It felt comfortable for a dress, I liked that. "How much?" I asked looking at the dress from the mirror. She smiled. "$2,500" She said. It seemed good for a pretty dress. "Done". I ran to the dressing room and changed into my casual clothes.

Lily put the dress neatly in plastic. "Thanks!" Kayla hollered from the door. Soon we carefully place the dress in the trunk and drove back to the house.


Tyler's POV: ~.~


(Soon Tyler and Hana got in the car and drove to a man suit store)

"Let's go!" Hana yelled running into the store. I struggled behind her, aware of the cars racing by. She ran into the store and said hi to the man. "Hey what can I get for yea?" The man asked. "A suit for a wedding" I replied.

Soon I found, or should I say Hana found a nice black suit. It had a white rose on the right of it, Nice shoes, and a white collar.

(Soon after that, They went home)

Authors note: Hey guys tell me what you think! Make sure you comment and vote! Thanks!

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