Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: I do

(Tyler went beside the priest, waiting for his love. Emma is in the white car, waiting for the time to begin)


Emma's POV: ~,~


The only people that were there was Kayla and my other friends from Alaska. Their names are Grace, Bella, and Amy.

The priest was there. "Ready?" Kayla said coming inside. I looked in the mirror and saw a face that I haven't seen in a long time. I opened the car door. Soon I was in the dressing room. I put on my crown with the fabric in it. I was so ready to have this life.

"Ready" I said getting up. I walked out of the dressing room. Kayla held my hand as she opened the door. My friends stood up and turned aroud. They're faces were full if amazement.

I walked down the isle and I saw Tyler. His face was filled with love and heart. He smiled as I took every step. My heart was racing with excitement. After all these years of pain and regret, I finally have a reason to live. Tyler, the one who saved me. The one who cared for me.

He is the reason I'm here today. With my wedding dress on, my set of white roses in my hands. Kayla by my side. Just......perfect.

I stood in front of him. "You may say your vowels" the priest said. Tyler looked into my eyes. "Emma, every since I met you, I knew we would become something. Your always seeking for someone in need. All the pain you had in the past and you still happen to be the love of my life" He said smiling. The priest nodded at me. "Tyler, you have such a great spirit with in you and such a great personality and strength. When I was done you held me up and never let me go. You impacted my life in so many ways and for that I am thankful that I fell in love with you" I finally said smirking after. "Tyler do you take Emma to be your lovely bride?" The priest said taking a grip of his bible. He looked deep into my eyes. Behind those eyes was a story with hurt and pain. Now in front of those eyes is a future. "I do" He said holding my hands.

"And Emma do you take Tyler to be your lovely husband?" He said. My heart raced with happiness. Only two words and I'm a wife. "I do" I said looking deep into Tyler's eyes.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" He said. I looked at Tyler's lips. We both leaned and kissed each other. All of my friends started clapping. I blushed of seeing all my friends cry of joy. Me and Tyler are now the Meth couple. Mr and Mrs Meth. I liked that.

All the sudden the doors bursts open. "HEY!" a man yelled. Tyler started laughing. "Damon!" Tyler yelled with joy. "What are you doing here?". "Well I can't miss my best friends wedding" Damon replied. "Hey!" Damon said to me. I started growling. "Don't mess with me" I warned him. My eyes glowed iced blue showing that I'm a hybrid.

"You go girl!" All my friends yelled.

Authors Note: Hey guys tell me what you think! This is the lat chapter of my book/ the end. Make sure you comment and vote. Tell me which part of the book was your favorite! Thanks!

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