2: Boys in the Bus

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Connors POV
Holy guacamole. hoLY GUACAMOLE. I have a fresh school year starting and a new person I can experience it with. This is perfect, this'll be the year that I'm finally freed from all the bullies and wannabes. Evan likes trees, I like trees, he draws, I draw, this is more than I could've ever hoped for.

The bus pulls up, and I always let Zoe get on first, since she always sits with Duke and Chandler. I usually sit towards the front in a double seater. I guess today I'll grab a triple with Evan. I sit down and wave for him to sit with me, hoping he doesn't already secretly have friends I don't know about that told him about the horrors of what I've done.

Evan looks forward but still talks "So uh- what's your color? I mean your fav-favorite color, mine is blue but I love to color with greens and um- greys."

"Grey, but I mostly color with hues of blues, lilacs, and pinks. It sounds like a girly color scheme but it makes beautiful sunsets."

He finally turns to me, "I actually really like those colors. Embarrassing, I know. People used to say I was a- a freak... Because of that"

"You are not a freak. That's my job."

"What would make you think that? You're perfectly normal. I'm the one who trips on both words and stairs and barely know anybody at this school"

I look out the window, "Well... Purple jumpsuit Zoe? She's my sister. She's the envy of the neighborhood, and last year she stole my prismacolor."

"Oh no NOT the prismacolor"

"Yep. So I yelled at her but since she's everybody's friend they all said I was overreacting. At least she gave them back without damaging anything but my reputation."

"So now everybody ignores you? Y'know, I was like that too. Because I t-talk funny?"

"You don't. You're fine. Its what's inside that counts. You seem like a pretty cool guy"

"Want to know what," He gets closer and whispers, "you seem even cooler"

I laugh and look down, "I'm less cool than a fanny pack! Which is already very uncool!"

"Well I already think you're very cool so shh"

"Well I'm not."

"Yeah you/ are!"

"/Are not!"

"Well whatever you say will not change my opinion."

"Fine. You're cooler than me though"

"Okay. What's your favorite food?"

"Macaroni and cheese. It's a godsend of a food. Plus, my mother makes it good homemade or from the box."

"I only like it from the box, but I really love sandwiches. Especially from Subway. I'd eat them all day."

"Subway is the only way I accept vegetables. My parents don't care if I eat healthy, but I always order a subway with a bunch of them!"

"My parents fight. Alot." Evan seems a bit uneasy on that topic so I switch it.

"Oh.. I really hope it's not effecting you. My doors are open anytime. Do you have a sibling?"

"T-thanks, and I don't have a sibling."

"Thats good. All they do is annoy you and take your stuff. Especially when they're a twin. You don't want to have a sibling."

"I do, I could finally have a friend to talk to and laugh with"

"Zoe never does that with me. She yells at me for my habits and she certainly isn't a friend. More of an arch enemy."

"What do you mean habits?"

"Everyday before I go to sleep I draw the sky. I want a telescope one day to see truly all the stars and draw them, to give to somebody I like very much."

"Really? What do they look like? Why didn't she enjoy that?"

"I open the window, which wakes her up. The time varies between 5:30 and 8:30 when I draw then sleep but it's the only way I sleep quickly. And it's relaxing"

"May I s-see one?"

"I mean- sure." I take out my sketchbook and flip to the one from last Saturday, "The sunset was beautiful. I simply had to"

"It's- it's beautiful. I wish I could draw such simple things with such complexity." He focuses on the page, finding every detail.

"Well I just showed you one of my drawings, show me one of yours." I point to his backpack

"Uh- okay. Don't flip the pages. Okay?"

"Sure dude. I have a section of mine like that too."

He pulls out a book similar to mine with a bit thicker paper, "I also paint. But this is a drawing of a tree I did at camp."

"Thats amazing!" The bus pulls up to the school, "so... You want me to show you to the class?"

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