3: Circle of Sharing

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Evans POV

I enjoyed the bus ride, maybe a new school isn't such a bad thing after all. Maybe- just maybe... It's a new page in my book.

"Yeah, since I don't really know my way around here." I look right and left before following Connor across the road.

"So, where do you come from?"

"I come from away. Kidding, I'm from the other side of town. Near the um- skating rink?"

"Well cool, I like to skate"

"I don't."

We walk silently until the quietness is too much to bare,

He suddenly blurts out, "Do you know how to ride the bike?"

I think quickly, not expecting the question, "uh- yeah! Yeah I love to ride the bike!"

"Maybe we can ride our bikes sometime. Since y'know, you're right down the road.

"My mother would be very happy to hear I'm riding the bike again, and that I have a friend"

"Mine too. She sees Zoe going to playdays and wonders why I am never invited to a single one"

"Well you should be. I-I mean you're not that bad at all, you're cool"

"We're there. I mean outside the class"

"Wow it's quite large compared to my old one."

"Let's take the desks back left corner. They're least noticible" Connor points to a corner and heads towards it.

"What do you mea-" I start, but Connor grabs my hand and pulls me toward the desks. I notice his hand is larger than mine, and he's alot more lighter than me.

"See what I mean?" He pushes my chair out then sits in his own.

"It's alot more closed off and the teacher won't call you to do much unless you are moved to yellow or red on the traffic light."

"Traffic light?"

"They have a system here, so green means you behave well, yellow means you are not doing well and red means you're in trouble. I'd recommend staying green"

"Have you ever gotten red or yellow?"

"Well, I got red for throwing a chair at Peter. He was stealing Jason from me"

"Legendary. A true trooper," I say, not sure what he means by stealing Jason, they were probably besties untill Peter came along. I don't know how people could steal other people from eachother though.

I watch a young man walk in and sit at the desk in the front of the classroom, "Good morning! My name is Mr.McKinley and I will be your teacher this year. Do you have any questions about me?"

Zoe raises her hand, "Hey! Why do you wear that suit and name tag?"

"Well, I was in Uganda," he points at a map of the world on the wall, which shows Uganda as a country in Africa, "I was on a mission"

Ogie raises his hand, "ooo ooo ooo like a spy? AWESOME"

"No, a Mormon missionary."


"Anyway, I had been there when my fellow named Cunningham told them false stuff about our mission. We rebuilt the community and now I'm here as a teacher since I was studying my degree while stationed!"

All the other kids oooohh and ahh in shock, and then Connor raises his hand, "What type of false stuff"

"He said that our books would cure their disease if they read it with a frog! And they danced about it to our leader and he disapproved."

"Well, did your book cure people when read with a frog?"

"No. It did not. Any other questions?"

"Why does the tag say Elder McKinley," Heather says and points, "and why under it does it say the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints?"

"It's how it's made, and I prefer elder but Americans like Mr."

"Well now questions are do-" Elder McKinley starts

"What's that mark on your neck?" Michael interrupts

Elder McKinley turns slightly red and looks down, "Elder Price was playing a game with me, and that happened to my neck."

"Oh, cool! I love games!"

"Me too. Anyway, It is time for our circle of sharing. Please form a line, and respond with your favorite location."


"The amusement park!"


"Las Vegas!"

This continued until it got to me and Connor



"Elder price loves Orlando, Evan"

"SeaWorld and the zoo! I can't choose!"

This continues until the end


"New Jersey"

"Great. Go back to your desks and we will be making the birthday chart. Write your birthday, name, and color in the cake with your favorite color" McKinley hands all the papers out after we arrive at our desks

"Yeah right" Connor smiles and rolls his eyes.

A/N: I know these chapters are ~200 to 300 words longer than the last book, I'm trying to write more intricate and longer stories and I hope longer chapters help this experience!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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