Shortish Rant

14 1 25

Warning: Lots of swears ahead

Alright, now, I want to start off by saying, when I rant, it usually doesn't involve swear unless I'm mad. And I'm not mad-I'm fucking livid.

So, I know when people rant, it's because of something that triggers them. Well, what triggers the fuck out of me is when someone fucking points out something rather fucking rudely in a rant (unless it's an Oc book. That's kinda okay, but, still triggers me slightly).

Especially if it's something a friend of mine does and it's something harmless. Like, bitch, why the fuck are you targeting? And I wouldn't want to hear that bullshit that they aren't when they clearly fucking are.

It especially pisses me off when a friend of mine's feelings get hurt because of some bitch ass cunt pointing out something they do as well as a lot of other people. When my friends get hurt because you want to be a whiny little shit about something bossy, I'll fucking throw hands!

Oh! And I also get pissed off when people assume that, because of your age, you're immature. Like, bitch, age does not matter you dumb shit! A person is only as mature as they were brought up.

Say you came from a bad family and had to take care of your younger sibling most of the time because your parents didn't have much time to. Obviously you'll be more fucking mature! Or say you were born with a silver spoon in your fucking mouth. You'd probably act younger than your fucking age because you're acting like a fucking bratty ass bitch!

Alright, I think I'm fine now.

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