Episode 2: The Glowing fury of Cure Ruby!!!

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So yes that is the end of this episode, sorry it stunk, now the next episode is coming up so stay tuned to find out what will happen next, will Kat become pretty cure and what do the dark deminions have in store? Find out in...

Episode two: The glowing fury of CURE RUBY!

"So close yet so far, more gems to go." Said the figure from my previous dream. I was now in my pretty cure outfit. I looked around the still creepy atmosphere. I then felt an red ruby hit me in the leg, I tripped. OW! I saw a figure help me up, although it was dark and mysterious it was warm and made me feel better. Suddenly a dark deminion, Darcia, apeared and shot a dark energy ball of some sort at us. Down we both tumbled. "The dark deminions are still in your way." Me and the figure who helped me tried to get up but we were... stuck. Suddenly another bunch of dark energy came hurdling at us.

I woke up sweating. Another dream... I got up and felt a sudden pain shoot through me, I looked down. There was an red bruise on my leg and a large amout of swelling, where the red ruby had hit me. I gasped and slumped back onto the bed. I needed to find those other cures.

Kats P.O.V

Another bueatiful day. as I strolled along to the bus stop. The birds tweeted and the wind blew solftily. I suddenly felt something hit my head. It fell out of the sky, bounced off my head, and landed in my hand. It was an red gem of some sort. Hmmm, cool! I smiled and put it in my pocket. I wasn't usually into girly things like jewelerry but hey it was red, my favourite colour.

Ridas P.O.V

I smiled as I saw Kat. I first met her on Friday, my first day of school, but she was busy on the weekends so it was nice to see her again. She saw me and waved. I ran to catch up with her. Only a little more until the bus stop. I caught up with her. It wasn't easy, as an athlete she sped walk and she was very quick... athlete. I had to tell her about pretty cure. She paused for me to catch up and I thanked her, we started walking.

We started talking about stuff like school an all that, until we clicked her fingers in the air.

"Who was that boy you were with at the park," she asked, nudging me and making kissy faces. I didn't tell her he was th Prince of Enchatillia, I just told her he was my chrush (which wasn't a lie). After I made her pinkie-promise she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Look what I found!" She said happily. She revealed a red gem, the same type as the one on my ring. It was a pretty cure gem. So it was true, she was the next cure. We carried on walking until we heard a loud shriek.

We ran to the bus stop where we saw Rikona, the little girl with long yellow locks. Hilda had her flung over her shoulder. Hilda spun so that Rikona's head was in a collision course with a pole. Her face was usually smooth and youthful with natural blush that enhanced her youth and bueaty. But now it was pale and scrunched up with fear.

"Put her down you brute!" Kat shouted at the top of her lungs. Hilda paused Rikona's head *inches* away from the pole. Poor girl looked shell-shocked. Hilda put her down. Rikona ran to the middle of me and Kat.

"Don't worry I wasn't going to hurt her tiny brain that is the size of her tiny body, no wonder she is so stupid." Hilda snarled.

"Actually, Einstein had a small brain yet he is still considered a genius, so get your facts straight." Naoko piped in from nowhere. She was playing with her one of her blue plaits but the way the sun hit her glasses made her look very brave. Michiko stood next to her.

"Get some antiseptic cos u just got burnt. " Michiko said whilst doing some sort of clicking thing. Hilda was about to retort in some way but I got in first.

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