Episode 6: Sensing a good Aura!

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Hi guys!!! Please excuse my slowness I am piled up with homework and Christmas stuff!!!!! WOOHOO CHRISTMAS!!!! But it does mean I am super busy :( So I am so so so sorry

Dedication: This chapter, as you can see, is dedicated to Nicole_the_hetalicat!  She is really nice and has been so supportive.  She is so friendly and lovely to talk to. xxx
She is also the author of another pretty cure series which is really good and I recommend you read it.  It is pokemon and pretty cure so you know it's going to be epic!!! :D :D :D

Now this chapter is important because I will now reveal my 100 reader award!!!! So without further ado let's begin.

??? P.O.V

I woke up.  I was on some sort of concrete floor, a pavement. I stretched, then it hit me, where was I? 
"Mum?" I called out.  Nothing
"Dad?" I yelled with a catch in my throat. 
"Essense?" My hope lowering by the second.
"Anyone?" I asked.  I shivered as I waited for a reply, after what seemed forever I gave up.  Nobody would reply because nobody else was here. Or so I thought.  

"Why hello," A heard a voice.  I turned my head around.  My blood ran cold as a chill ran up my spine.
"Are you lost?" It mocked. Panting, I scrambled to my feet and began to run.
"It's not nice to run away from people!" The voice howled after me. "It's rude and antisocial!"
My knees were juddering as my back got heavier and heavier, arching with pain and exausion. I let a scream escape my throat but it seemed that I was on my own.  The wind was blowing, leaves scratching my face as they blew by. The sky was a light blue as if everything was good.  Who knew the sky could lie?

"Come back here child!" A sly voice hissed from a distance but that didn't stop me as my legs carried me further. That's when I tripped and slammed to the ground, knee first. Stones scraped across my leg opening up a graze. My throat was too dry to scream, all I could muster was a loud grimace. My limbs shivering too much to pick myself up, my vision too blurry with tears to move. I curled up, preparing for impact, but nothing came.

I looked behind me. Silence. Was I safe, was she gone? Slowly I pushed myself off the floor and limped around until I found a street corner. That's when I slumped down, slowly sliding my back down the wall, and began to cry.


I woke up to a sharp scream. I rubbed the sleep out my eyes and looked outside the window to see a girl running away from something that the trees seemed to block. I looked at the time and looked back.  She was gone and there was so much silence you probably could have cut it with a knife.  I rubbed my eyes, was I hallucinating? At that moment Pinkerbelle woke up.
"Morning!" She beamed. I jumped to my mirror to look at myself but frowned. Hmm... my hair had gone back to it's normal length and shade of pink. 
"Oh well..." I mumbled as I brushed and styled it into it's normal buns.
"So how did it go with you and Prince Brenden last night?" Pinkerbelle asked as a cheeky smile spread across her furry cheeks.
"Good..." I replied in an equally cheeky tone.

I slid down the bannister, holding Pinkerbelle tightly.  I got ready and dashed outside to join my friends who were walking to the bus stop in happy chatter.  
"Boo!" I said jumping on Kat who jumped so hard she looked like she had had a minor electric shock. 
"Darn you Ree!" She shouted giving me a soft and friendly punch to the arm. We continued walking until we were stopped.
"Michiko, I can't believe you went back to these losers!" Hilda spat. I rolled my eyes as Michiko clenshed her fists.
"Jealous much?" Yulene said as she managed to muster a sassy tone.
"Rida, you are so welcome by the way." Hilda retorted.
"For what?"
"For letting Brenden go with you to the dance, after all who would have gone with you if I hadn't?" I looked down at me feet in insecurity.
"Buzz off Hilda!" Kat said, getting very defensive. "You're just jealous because Brenden doesn't like you."
"Pur-lease!" Hilda did some sort of big-clicky-arm thing and walked away.
"Take no notice of her," Michiko squeezed my shoulder comfortingly. 

Pretty cure, Gem 6!!!Where stories live. Discover now