Episode 5: The Gleaming courage of Cure Amethyst

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Hi guys! :D :D :D
So this is it.... the last cure will be found.... or will she?
Anyway thanks so much to everyone and remeber:
Next episode I will be revealing the reward for every 100 readers this story gets :D so stay tuned...
Also this episode is a tiny bit darker, not too much or anything. It still has the happy pretty cure vibe but you'll see what I mean. Don't worry it'll still be nice.
So in the words of Super Mario: Let's a-go!

Previously in Pretty Cure Gem 6...

I was in the same place. The background was a wash with pink, red, yellow, green and blue and there stood the normal figure. She looked sad.
"I finished, I found all the cures!" I said smiling but she continued looking down. "Are you ok?"
"I am so sorry..." She croaked.

"What happened?"
"You have not found all the cures... There is one more; me."
"You?" I asked.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think I counted."
"Who are you?" I asked. She paused.
"I am the final cure, the beauty."
Clouds begun to form covering the light of the rainbow background.  Then the clouds wrapped around her and began to swallow her.
"NO!" I cried as I reached for her arm.
"You have to find the beauty.  But be warned..." Suddenly she screamed which sent shivers down my spine. "She is consumed with fear!" She screamed again. I was losing the grip of her hand which was the only thing not cloaked in black steam.
"Please," She whispered desperatly 

I woke up screaming.. Pinkerbelle sat on my desk, my screams must have woken her. 
"I am so sorry...." She began to say, tears forming in her eyes threatening to spill over, "We didn't know..."

"There is one more cure..."


I ran. As fast as my legs could manage. I literally sped out of the house with a quick,
"Bye mum, Bye dad!" The lack of breakfast made my stomach rumble but I carried on running. Pinkerbelle curled up in my arms. In front of me I saw Kat, Rikona, Yuelene and Naoko. Brenden was also with them, my heart probably would have skipped a beat but it was too busy pumping blood around my body.

"BRENDEN!" I yelled. They all stopped. I stormed all the way towards Brenden. "You said all the cures had been found! Well how come you didn't tell me about the beauty!?" Brenden looked gobsmacked and the others stood their confused.
"I thought I was the last one..." Naoko said, at that moment all their rings began to shake and the other animals popped out.

"This doesn't make sense." Crimson cried.
"Unless...." Blue began to say but then stopped.
"Unless?" We all repeated. She looked right up at us and bit her lip. 
"Look, we'll talk in the libary store room at lunch, Ok?" She asked. We all nodded then suddenly they all hopped into our bags.

"Well hello Brenden, losers!" I was looking down at my bag but I reconised that voice anywhere... Hilda.
"Hilda I don't have time for this."
"Looks like you didn't have time to put your mask on porperly either." I froze, I suddenly felt the atmosphere freeze. That voice.  No... it couldn't be... Alas I looked up and saw Michiko, arm locked with Hilda's. All our mouths were agape.
"Nice one bestie!" Hilda screeched with delight as they high fived.
"Michiko..." Naoko barely whispered.
"What up nerd bird, lost your glasses?" With that she took her glasses and threw them over her shoulder. Luckily Kat was fast enough to catch them. 
"MICHIKO, WHAT THE HECK!" I looked her straight in the eyes. I gasped. Her eyes were no longer a friendly purple but a dark purple, almost black actually. Then I heard the same scream from the dream. I backed up as it took over my head. 

"Come on Hilda, see ya later freaks!" Michiko said grabbing her by the arm as they ran towards their friends.
Naoko and Rikona were almost in tears, Yulene was tightening her fists and Kat was so mad you could see the fire blazing in her eyes. Brenden stood there, terrified. As the others poked out from our bags.
"Forget lunch, the meeting will be at break."

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