Episode 3: The glimmering, beaming light of friendship!!!

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Dedication: Wolfspaw32 because she has been super nice and encouraging and is a gr8 writer so I recommend u check out her story. THANK U SO MUCH FOR UR SUPPORT :D :D :D xxx 

Also over 100 reads!!!!! EPIC!!!!! Thank u so much for eveyone who is reading this and also to the people who added this to their reading list, thanks for the honor :D :D :D
P.S. I am thinking of something I can do to celebrate like as a reward for a lucky one of you guys! Or maybe as I could do something for all of you like make a new cover because this one is not the best. If you have any suggestions please tell me below it will be really helpful. Thank you :) 

A/N: Sorry I have had no time on my hands for updating so to make up for it there will be something special about this chapter that is unique. So here we go and sorry for being such a slow sloth. Enjoy!!! And in the words of amazingphil: Here we go!

Episode 3: The glimmering, beaming light of friendship!

"You're doing well but I'm afraid not well enough, yet." The blackness that usually surrounded me was now a light pink mixed with a dim red like a dying flame without a blaze of hope. It was pretty but I couldn't help but dislike it. Then the usual mysterious silhouette appeared. Her voice was softer than before, still rather spooky. She then pointed to a clearing. A yellow silhouette was standing looking around a bit awkwardly she was short and her face and features were just yellow sparkles but I knew exactly who it was.

Then I saw a green silhouette approach her. She was tall, taller than me. They seemed happy to see each other, they chatted but I could not hear a word. Then I saw Kat, she was bright and cheerful but this time she wasn't just a red silhouette of light. The green one seemed happy to see her but the yellow one looked down and shuffled away slightly.

Suddenly a chilling laughter filled the space. I saw a pitch black figure appear. A dark haze wafted in.

"Please, Rida, you need to find the next cure."

Then he shot. The figure shot a black gem at Kat and the others. BOOM! I was almost blinded by the bright light from the explosion that engulfed them.

"KAT!!!! RIKONA!!!!" I howled. My ears rung as I realised the background was no longer red and pink but black. A piece of the gem bomb came shooting at me and dug into my arm. That's when I woke up panting and sweating. I felt a sharp pain tear through my nerves system. I look to see piece of black gem in my arm. It was just a shard but a heck of a lot of blood was seeping out of it. I slowly removed it from my arm wincing loudly.

I washed my wound under the tap, it was tricky as it was high up my arm and I ended up having to do some whacked-up limbo move to reach the running water. But as the coolness rushed over my pain it felt good. Then I went back to bed. I didn't sleep though. I counted on my fingers, 2 down 3 to go. I recalled the titles in my head,
"The youth, the mother figure and the genius." The figure's voice chanted softly in my head. I moaned, I really needed a good night sleep.

I sat at the table eating breakfast. Dad was reading the paper and about to go to work.
"Hey Ree Ree, Look!" He said to me (yes he called me Ree Ree) I looked at the page he held up smiling.
"Kitten gets rescued from well?" I ask obviously confused.
"What? Oh... no down here." I look down to see an advertisement. The annual fun fair will be in the local park. FUN FAIR!!!
"OMG YES!!!" I grinned at him and he grinned back.
"So do you want to go?" My mum said from behind me. I jumped but laughed.
"Of course!" It would be nice to get away from this pretty cure madness for a day.
"Tomorrow is an INSET day so we could go then, be sure to ask your friends if they want to come!" My dad called cheerfully. My family and I were MAD for fun fairs, well we were just mad!
"Ree look at the time, you are going to miss the bus!" My mum said pointing to the clock. I grabbed my bag and dashed off, but not before kissing my mum and dad.

Pretty cure, Gem 6!!!Where stories live. Discover now