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Author's Note [Last One!]

Hello everyone! If you haven't noticed already, City Lights is coming to a close and I am undoubtedly proud of how brilliant I've constructed the ending to be. So just a couple of notes.

1. The third installment of the Hurricane Trilogy (YES I GET TO CALL IT THAT!)

I can't tell you much about what it's going to be about, since it'll spoil the ending of this book, but I can tell you the title!

'Top of The World'

Of course, it give away 0% of the plot of the book, but I'm sure you guys will love it. I've already made the cover; that's how excited I am.

2. Dear Bridgit!

So, I was thinking of this today. During English class, my teacher wash talking abhor 'Dear Abbey' which is an advice column in some newspaper. And I thought, why not give Bridgit her own advice column? It's a work-in-progress, and if I don't get a lot of entries, I'll drop it. But, practically, you'd be sending in problems and whatnot, in need of advice, and at the end of the chapters in Top of the World, I'll answer them.

God, it sounds so stupid now that I'm actually writing it.

*sigh* If you have any already, feel free to comment or PM me!


I honestly just want to say Thank You to all of the wonderful people who have read Hurricane and City Lights. As of now, May 22nd, 12:46pm, Hurricane as 37K reads! 37,000!

My story, my chapters have been read 37000 times and at least a thousand people have read it altogether.

Oh my god.

I remember starting this two years ago, I had just began Being Izzy Styles, and I honestly didn't know shit about One Direction. But I love(d) Bridgit Mendler andI thought to myself "Why in the hell aren't there more fanfictions on this site?"

Seriously, my idea to put Harry Styles instead of Shane Harper was bloody retarded, but what can I say? I was 12 and stupid.

But now I'm fifteen and am actually proud of it all, even though I added a curly-headed boy I knew nothing about at the time. Actually, the only reason I know anything about One Direction is because, last June/July, I went into a spiraling downfall where I obsessed with them, mostly because Little Things and Over Again were the most beautiful songs ever...and then I found out it was written by Ed Sheeran and then went into a spiraling downfall that is still continuing to this day.

But anyway, I'd like to thank Bridgit Mendler for being such an awesome person and my fans for being just as amazing.


Love you guys!


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