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(No skit, sry)

Congratulations, Cute-Nutella-Jar! You were the first one to guess it right!

Woah, almost 7k reads, AMAZING! THANKS!

I'm going to be offline from 26th to 31th December this year and hopefully I'll get the January-chapter out. Why? Because I did the mistake of ONLY VAGUELY PREPARE and I've gotten some help from up above by putting me in a "READ EVERYTHING AS LONG AS IT'S NOT A WATTPAD BOOK" phase and THEN put all books I read in a hiatus until after my deadline or later. I know, God is harsh :/

Also, I think I'll make two cases before closing this book.

Yeah, you read that right, this isn't a joke. Sadly, I've had a lack of motivation of writing this anymore and the fact that I have this weird dilemma that I want to write down my ideas but don't like writing because it's so annoying and frustrating is a big hinder.

Sorry for dropping such a bomb, but I wanted to warn you before it actually happens.


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