"You started wild'n last night." Malak said rubbing my arm
"What!?!?" I said shooting up from the bed
"Yeah you was going crazy after that drink you had." Malak said
"Well what was I doing." I said
"Well you was dancing on random men, giving them fake numbers. Dancing on tables and you also snatched this girl wig off." Malak said
"What the fuck." I said while laughing
"Yeah, well I'm finna go to my friend house for a little while. Call me if you need anything." Malak said leaving the room
"Bye." I said
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After putting on my outfit I went downstairs and out the door cause I was going to get something to eat.
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I got in the car and started driving. I heard that song again. It said Jennifer would you prefer. And then It also said the pain in your eyes when I slipped up and fucked Caroline.
I was shocked when I heard the song. I got my phone out and went on YouTube to search the name. And guess who came up.
Trinidad Cardona. He made a song about me. Oh my fucking God. And I like the song too.
I called Trinidad to tell him about it.
"Hey Trinidad."
"Hey Jenn what's up."
"I heard the song."
"Oh you did."
"Well it's not for you Soo yeah."
"What you mean?"
"I'm just playing yes it's about you."
"Aww thank you."
"Is that your way of saying you can take me back now?"
"Ight cool. What you doing."
"I'm getting something to eat."
"Ok call me when you finished."
"Ok bye."
When I got to the place I ordered my food and things. After driving off I started eating my food while driving.
I pulled up at the house and got out the car. After getting home I went upstairs in my room. I kept hearing noises and I forget I was home alone.
So I called Trinidad and asked if he wanted to come over.