Chapter Fourteen

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Jennifer's P.O.V

I really have a feeling that this baby isn't trinidad's. The fact that I somehow ended up in my bed after we left the club that night. And I had on different clothes!?!? This isn't right.

It was probably malak. And that morning I woke up and my legs was hurting bitch!!!

Well this must be pay back when trinidad cheated on Me. Right?

Yup this baby isn't trini's and I know it for a fact.

Anyways boo, something had been going on with trini lately. He probably still messing around with that dumb ass hoe Caroline again.

I'll still drag that hoe with this baby in my stomach.

So today is the day where ima figure this shit out. Cause one trini comes home late like around 12:00 or 1:00 and malak he stay ignoring me when I let him stay in MY got damn house.

To be honest I don't even want this baby, I'm still a kid I guess cause I'm 18. Shiiii I'm not even an adult yet.

I'm just sitting in the room thinking bout dumb shit that's making my head hurt.

Let me call trini and see what he doing. I took out my phone and started to call trini. 

While I was talking to trini on the phone, I heard another girl's voice in the background.

Me: "trini I'm not even gonna ask who that in the background cause I already know you gon lie to me."

Trini: "bae what you talking bout?"

Me: "ion wanna here it. When you get here, I'll have all your stuff packed up in your suit case."

Trini: "what?!?"

Me: "nigga you heard what the fuck I said. You gonna have to find you another place to live cause I'm not bouta keep doing this with you."

Trini: "bae you trippin."

Me: "oh yeah don't call me bae no more either I already got one."

Trini: "who?"

Me: "the person that put this baby in my stomach."

Trini: "WHAT!?!"

me: "bye trini!"

Well that....felt so fucking good bitch!! Now all I have to do is talk to malak ass now. Ugh!

I just sat there tryna figure out what to do. Oh now I got an idea....

Me: "MALAK!!!!!"

malak came running in the room to see if I was alright. Well at least he cares about me.

Malak: "yes my queen?"

I laughed a little...

Me: "I needa talk to you."

He sat down next to me on the bed...

Me: "malak I know this is gonna sound crazy and shit...but I think this baby is yours."

Malak: "if it is I'll be happy to be the dad....but before you claim me as the dad, we have to do a dna test though."

Me: "malak but that's not gonna happen until the baby is born."

Malak: "then I guess we're gonna have to wait."

Me: "but..."

Malak: "no buts. Your gonna have this baby even if it's mine or not, I don't care."

Me: "oh shit!"

Malak: "what?"

Me: "ugh I forgot i have to pack all of trinidad's clothes."

Malak: "I'll help you. But why?"

Me: "he's...cheating on me with the same girl caroline again."

Malak: "don't worry bout that sorry ass nigga. You got me now bae."

Me: "awww but that still don't mean your out the friend zone."

Malak: "what?!?"

Me: "im just playing bae."

After that he gave me a freaking two second kiss. Like can't I get more?

Well we better stop playing and get to packing....

After packing for hours. Nah I'm playing, it felt like hours. I guess it's because I'm pregnant so I get tired easily... I don't even know to he honest!

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