It's been 10 weeks now that me and trinidad is back together.
I was laying on my bad not feeling so good. Trinidad was downstairs talking to malak. It felt like I was gonna throw up again.
And I really hope I'm not pregnant. Because the last pregnancy scare wasn't that good either.
I got out of bed and went downstairs. I sat next to trindad and started talking.
"Babe I don't feel so good." I said holding my stomach
"Ugh not this again." Trini said
"I know I know." I said
"Do you have more tests or do I need to go get some more." Trini said
"Hold on if I have more I'll take it but if I need more I'll come back down." I said while getting up
"Alright." Trini said
I went upstairs to the bathroom and took out a pregnancy test. So ya know I followed the instructions.
I let the test sit for about a minute or two. And when I looked at it I started crying. I came out the bathroom with the test in my hand and went downstairs.
Trini saw me crying. And he ran over to me to see the test.
"Oh my god..were hav-(gco) Trini said while covering his mouth
"Yes we're having a baby." I said crying even more.
"Hold the fuck up. You pregnant?" Malak said raising one eyebrow
I shook my head saying yes. Tears just ran down my face because I can't believe I'm having a baby at 18.
"Aww baby don't cry. Now I have two things to worry about. You and the baby." Trini said then gave me a kiss.
I wiped the tears off my face and went upstairs to get my mind off of things.
While I was laying on my bed a random number called me. I answered it and this happened.
"Hey Jennifer I see you now answered."
"Uh who's this."
"Stop acting dumb you know who this is."
"No the fuck I dont."
"Oh my god its Jahseh."
"What the fuck do you want?"
"I wanna see you...please."
"No Jahseh I have a man now and it's not you."
"Oh so you gone do me like that. Ok bet I'll just get my shooters ready."
"Ok ok got damn. Fine where do you wanna meet up?"
"At the park downtown."
"Ok when."
"In about 10 minutes."
"Ight see ya soon."
When I hung up the phone I went to go put on a decent outfit. (Outfit💖)
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