7-How Bad Can It Possibly Be?

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The next morning I woke up. I turned to the side and remembered what had happened the night before. "Carl." I whispered. He was laying on his stomach so he turned over to where he was on his back. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Goodmorning." I whispered. "Morning." He sat up and kissed my forhead. "What is the plan for today?" I asked. "I was thinking we could find a more hidden place to stay, just in case someone that might be a threat finds us." He said, standing up and putting his hat on. "Ok, what about food?" I said. "We can look for that later." He said.


"Hey so I'm looking at this map, and it says that there is a river nearby. Maybe that could be a good place." I said, taking a market and circling it. "That sounds like a good idea. How far?" He said, going to the drivers seat. "It looks about 15 miles from where we are right now." I said, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Where do you think my dad is right now?" Carl asked. I turned my head and looked out the window watching th trees go by. "Carl. We are going to find him, I know it. If anything, right now he is probably with Daryl and they are camping out somewhere. They probably heard the gunshots and went looking for us." I said. "What if he's dead?" He asked. "He's not!" I said. "Stop thinking like that." I added. "I'm going to find some extra bullets around the camper." I said getting up.

As I was searching for bullets I only found two. I saw something under the bed, it was slightly peaking out. "Hey Carl what is this?" I asked. I slid it out from under the bed and I emeadietly froze. "Carl!" I said in fear. He stopped the car and walked over to me. "Its my dad's gun and gun carrier." He said. "Why would he leave it here if he went to go look for us?" I asked. "I don't know, is it loaded?" He asked. I checked and....it wasn't.

A few hours went by with total silence. I was almost as worried as Carl was, I mean what if we end up finding them but...not alive. I had to sho thinking the bad things and start to think about what good can happen. "We're here." Carl said, pushing his foot on the break and stopping the car. I got out and ran to the water. "Do you think it's safe to drink?" I asked. "I'm not really sure we should take the chance." He said. "I'll just get a fire started and then I'll purify it I guess." I went out into the woods for wood to start a fire.

The night was slowly creeping in. It was rather cold out too. The fire had been made and I was boiling some water over it so that we could drink it. "Clair? Can I ask you something?" Carl asked. "Yeah, go head." I stopped everything I was doing and listened. "What is the reason tahat keeps you from caring too much." He finally asked, sitting next to me. "Damn. That's not what I was expecting." I said. "C'mon. You seem to care about me and I REALLY care about you." He said. I looked down at my hands and then back up at him. "I had a boyfriend during this whole living hell thing. He was bit and then when he turned," I was starting to remember the horrible day, "I was the one who had to kill him. I really did love the guy too." I said. "I'm sorry Clair." Carl said. "No, it's fine. I'm over it now. Let's jus-" I was stopped by Carl, connecting out lips together.

Then he stopped. "I won't ever make you feel that way. I promise. I feel like we could make it. Or something like that." He said. I let a small laugh out. "What am I going to do with you Carl Grimes?" I said in a cheeky way. He kissed me again, this time slower and gentle.

The kiss ended but I pulled on the top of his shirt, which brought him closer to my body and put my mouth up to his ear. "Follow me." I whispered. I got up and went to the camper, making sure he was behind me. We got into the camper and he pinned me against the wall, making a big thud noise. We started to kiss and it slowly but surely got more passionate and rough. I started to take his shirt off, revealing his not too, too toned torso, but just enough to satisfy me. He then did the same. "Remember the last time this happened?" He said. "Mhmm" I hummed. We got to the bed and we laid down, Carl was on top of me. He started to kiss my neck until he started to suck on my sweatspot. I softly moaned to his touch. He gently took off my leggings and I was now only in my bra and panties.

Soon both of our clothes were off, only leaving us in our undergaments. Then, out of nowhere we hear a loud bang, it sounded like a gunshot. We quickly got up. "What the fuckwas that?" Carl said, grabbing his pants and slipping them on. "I don't know." I said, slipping my black leggings and my tanktop back on. We stepped through the door and the sight was horrifying. There were at least 100 people in front of us. They all had motorcycles and weapons. A tall man came up from the crowd. He had a machete in his hand and walked even closer to us. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" He asked. "W-who are you?" I asked. "I'm Robert. Oh and do these two," he said. Two of his people threw two guys down on the ground. The both had bags over there heads and there hands were tied. "Belong to you?" He asked, then gesturing the two guys to take the bags off of them.


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